the weirdos on maple street pt.1

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The boys brought Eleven and I back to a house, the boy with curly hair gave me his jacket, and the pale boy gave Eleven's his. "Is there a number we can call for your parents?" The pale boy asked. "Where's your hair? Do you guys have cancer?" the curly-haired one followed, "yes," I mutter. "Did you guys run away?" the darker-skinned one added. "Are you in some kind of trouble?" the pale one continues. "Is that blood?" the darker-skinned one asks, pointing to a stain on Eleven's shirt. The pale boy slaps his hand away. "Stop it! You're freaking them out!" he shouts. "They're freaking me out!" the darker-skinned one retorts. "I bet she's deaf," the curly-haired one cuts in and claps in our face, making Eleven jump. "We're not deaf!" I snap. "All right, that's enough, all right? They're just scared and cold." the pale boy scolded. "Here, these are clean. Okay?" He exclaims, giving us fresh clothes.

Eleven stood up, beginning to pull off her shirt. "No, no, no! See over there? That's the bathroom. Privacy. Get it?" the pale boy asks her. I walk her to the bathroom. I waited outside for Eleven to be finished changing. When she was done, I switched places with her, changing my clothes before we both walk over to the pale boy.

"Here you guys go. This is my sleeping bag. It should fit both of you," He explained. I take the mini bed and roll it out. "Hey, um, I never asked your guys's name," the boy blurt. Eleven showed him her wrist. "Is that real?" he asks, going in to touch it. She quickly pulled away. "Sorry, I've just... never seen a kid with a tattoo before. What's it mean? Eleven?" he questions. "It's her name. My name is Fifteen," I explain "That's your name?" he asks. "Well, it was y/n but they changed it. Eleven doesn't know her real name, though," I continue. "Okay. Um, well, my name's Mike. Short for Michael. Maybe we can call her El, short for Eleven," Mike suggests. El nods. "Um, well, okay. Night, El. Night y/n," Mike exclaimed before standing up. "Night, Mike," we smile before Mike closed the fort. El and I lie down, falling asleep shortly after. 

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