holly, jolly

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I played with Mike's supercomm as the boys talked, and El lay on the couch. "Hey. Hey," Dustin calls at El. She looks up at him. "Okay, concentrate. Okay?" Dustin asked. He let the ship figurine go, and it immediately fell to the ground. "Okay, one more time," Dustin exclaimed, picking the toy up. "Use your powers, okay?" Dustin asked. Dustin let it go as it fell to the floor again. "She's not a dog!" Mike sighs as he grabbed the ship away from Dustin. Mike's mom called them upstairs. "Just stay down here. Don't make any noise, and don't leave. If you get hungry, eat Dustin's snacks, okay?" Mike explained. "You know those power lines?" Mike asks. "Power lines?" El repeat. "Yeah. The ones behind my house?" Mike asked. "yes," El muttered. "Meet us there, after school," Mike continued. "After school?" El repeat. "Yeah, 3:15. Ah," Mike exclaimed, taking off his watch and putting it on my wrist. "When the numbers read three-one-five, meet us there," Mike explains. "Three-one-five," I repeat. "three-one-five," Mike told me before running upstairs.

El used her powers to lift up Mike's ship. El sat down in the La-Z Boy as I sat across from the TV. I turn it on, switching through channels before landing on a Coca-Cola commercial. I remember the lab.


I sat at the table, the electrodes attached to my head. I stared at Dr. Brenner. "Okay, Fifteen. I need you to read this man's mind. Tell me what he's thinking," he orders. I focus my attention on the man standing next to Brenner, or Papa as he forced us to call him. I got into his head as my nose began to bleed. "Coca-Cola," I explain. "Good work," Papa smiled.


I quickly shut the TV off. El and I continued to walk around the first floor before we decided to walk upstairs. I open a door, revealing a bedroom. El walks over to the dresser as I walk over to a board with pictures on it. I skim around the photographs, realizing this is Mike's sister's room.

time skip

El and I walked to the power lines to see we're the only ones there. I check the watch, looking at the time. "Three-one-five. Three-one-five. Three-one-five," I pant. I hear a meow, making El and I look up. We see a cat.

"El! Y/n!" Mike called. "You okay?" He panted. We nod. "Hop on. We only have a few hours," He explained. I hop on to the back of Dustin's bike as El got on Mike's.

El and Mike walked ahead of Dustin, Lucas, and I. When we arrive at Will's house, the boys started to freak out. "Here," El blurt. "Yeah, this is where Will lives," Mike explains. "Hiding," She whispers. "No, no, this is where he lives. He's missing from here. Understand?" Mike asks. "What are we doing here?" Lucas asks. "She said he's hiding here," Mike sighs. "Um... no!" Lucas retorts. "I swear, if we walked all the way out here for nothing," Dustin groaned. "That's exactly what we did. I told you they didn't know what the hell they're talking about!" Lucas shouts. "Why did you bring us here?" Mike asks. "Mike, don't waste your time with her," Lucas warned. "What do you want to do then?" Mike quizzes. "Call the cops, like we should've done yesterday," Lucas suggests. "We are not calling the cops!" Mike exclaims. "What other choice do we have?" Lucas asks. "Guys!" Dustin shouts. All of a sudden, we hear sirens. "Will..." Mike whispers. We run to the bikes, I get back on Dustin's as we follow the cars.

"It's not Will. It can't be," Mike exclaims as they see Will's body. "It's Will. It's really Will," Lucas cries. "Mike..." El began. She reached her hand out to him. Mike slaps her hand away. " 'Mike?' 'Mike," what?" You guys were supposed to help us find him alive. You said he was alive! Why did you lie to us? What's wrong with you? What is wrong with you?" Mike retorts. "Mike..." I whisper. "What?" He snaps. "Mike, come on. Don't do this, man. Mike..." Lucas sighs. "Mike, where are you going? Mike!" Dustin calls. Dustin and Lucas walked to their bikes, leaving El and I at the quarry. We walk all the way to Mike's house, sneaking into the basement before going to sleep.

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