They win, hands down.

Start from the beginning

"Woohoo! Greetings everyone! I'm sure that you may know you most of us are, but just in case, how about we all introduce ourselves! Especially for those of you who are listening to the podcast and may know us by our faces and singing voices but not speaking voice." He received nods and a few quiet mumbles of agreement from everyone as Logan turned themself back to the chat. "Well, I am Roman King, one half of the duo 'King Creativity'!"

And with that segue, Remus chirped in, "And with him is the better half of 'King Creativity': me! Remus king. Pleasure to meet you all!" He turned and smirked at Roman who was pouting and murmuring away from the mike about how mean Remus was. After an awkward pause, Logan spoke up.

"Indeed chat, this is really happening. I can assure you we're not some sort of voice simulations of the band members or some of the other stuff you are presenting in chat. Some of you are also curious/ excited about it, but yes I'm Logan from 'Logical Panic', and yes I'm the one who started the stream." They paused and looked over to Virgil, texting them quickly asking if they wanted Logan to introduce them to the stream. And, with a nod from Virgil, Logan added, "And Virgil is also here. They're just warming up to having so many people here live, as it can be a bit overwhelming." Logan then turned to Patton and Dee. "Well you two, would you mind introducing yourselves?"

Patton instantly started bouncing in his chair, looking excited to have his turn to say hi to all the fans who were with them all. "Of course! We'd love to! Hi everyone, I'm Patton and I'm also joined with..." He drew out the with, waiting for the love of his life to give his name and actually contribute to the stream.

"His husband Janus. And we are the faces and voices behind 'Venom Heart'. Hello everyone." He sounded unenthusiastic about the whole ordeal, but his excitement during the days leading up to battle of the bands was not forgotten by Patton, who let it go with a sly smile on his face that would only be visible to those watching the video very closely.

"Anyway, I'm sure most of you tuning in to listen to this have heard it from at least one of us, but to catch you all up to speed, this is basically a face-off between our three bands. We each have prepared a new single and it will be premiering live here. From what we've seen in our analytics there's a fairly large overlap of our fanbases, and so thought it would be interesting for you all to have our interactions and, at the end of the live premiere on Youtube, decide which single you all thought was best." After a quick pause of looking at the chat, Logan then added, "Also, for those of you asking, yes Virgil is using they/them today. Thank you all for the consideration of asking, they appreciate it." A gentle smile graced both their faces at the thought of how considerate the fans were being.

"Alright fuuu-ace... suckers... I've pulled- I've also pulled up the stream and am currently looking at the comments, and there's a whole bunch of questions." Remus stuttered out, taking a moment to calm himself down from almost breaking everyone's one rule. After taking a deep breath, in and out, he continued. "There's a couple to address now, but between songs we'll be adding commentary as well as small QnA segments. If you go over to any of our twitter accounts you'll find tweets that mention this. All you have to do to submit a question is tweet it out along with the hashtag 'askthreebands' for any directed at all of us and 'askKingC/LogicalP/VenomH' for the individual bands respectively."

"Indeed! We will all be checking our various twitter accounts after the first song in a bit. But for now, let's hear those questions that we need to address now Rem!" Roman chirped, turning his body to face his brother. Everyone else did the same.

"Oof, okay everyone's looking at me, I can deal with this kind of pressure! Alright then, first question that we're getting most often so far is about how they're all going to be deciding which one of these singles is the quote on quote 'best'." He looked up at everyone after paraphrasing the question, and waited for one of them to answer. To his surprise, Virgil was the one to speak up, though their voice was a bit quieter than everyone else's had been.

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