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The act of stringing words into phrases
until the rhythm and mix
of nouns, adverbs, adjectives,
verbs, clauses, and prepositions
create the notion of emotions,
the warmth of touch,
and the essence of experience
is known to most as storytelling.

Telling stories is often the pseudonym
of creating false pretenses
under which the speaker weaves imagery
to manipulate the considerations,
understanding, alliances, emotions,
and experiences of the audience
to the speaker's benefit, satisfaction,
or own amusement.

Neither the storyteller nor the one telling stories
comprehends the weight of their ability
to shape the world in which they live,
to weave life into the imagination,
and enlarge hearts of their listeners.
Both push recklessly on, building walls
and burning bridges, until the understanding
of the audience is little more than history.

ReflectionOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora