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This book is a rewritten version of an incomplete story because somehow in my editing, I managed to totally screw up the original book.

Now that that's out of the way, lets get to the most important and boring part you're probably going to skip.

Kissed his lips tasted his lies is the work of Angelique San'. The plot, characters and every other content in this book are my creations. similarities to other books or someone else's personal experience are purely coincidental. So I would really appreciate it if no one tried to steal my work

You might or might not like this book. That is totally okay and expected.

I get that not everyone will like nor enjoy this. But I don't get why someone would invest their precious time into writing out mean comments that could make someone dread carrying on with their work. Please be kind because something that is cringey and lame to you is the pride and joy of another person.

Constructive criticism is by any means welcome.

Thank you for giving my story a chance. Happy reading!


Kissed his lips tasted his lies: DiscontinuedWhere stories live. Discover now