Schlatt's pov:

What the hell just happened? My maid?How is that boy at every turn I take? I know it's partly my fault but still.

I stormed up the stairs with a towel around my waist and my clothes in my hand. I passed Noah on the way and he raised his eyebrow at me and held a curious expression.

"Long story, don't ask."

I continued past him and into the bathroom, it was a lot more spacious that mine, but it only made sense.
God I swear if one more thing gets in the way of this shower....

Wilbur's pov:

I had just finished deep cleaning the downstairs bathroom when Schlatt's phone went off in my pocket; a text from Carson.

Hey I know you have your own problems with Wil right now. But I really don't know what to do about Jawsh, do you think you could give me some advise?

Huh?Schlatt thinks i'm a problem? Who's this Jawsh character?

I knew I shouldn't have done it but I couldn't help myself.

Just follow your heart. Do whatever you think is best and it'll turn out fine in the end.
Btw, sorry to turn the tables on you but what do you think I should do about Wil.

Thanks my guy I really needed to hear that..... I think you should give it some time. Wait it out, test the waters, only then make any big decisions.

Test the waters? Wait it out? Big decisions? What in the world is going on?

I thought it was stupid to pry since my cover would be blown but it really made me feel uncomfortable.

What's going on behind my back? I know I haven't been here very long, but it still hurt.

I went back to the bedroom and put my roommates phone back where I found it and picked mine up instead since it was now sufficiently charged.
I went through my messages to see there was something new from my old roommate but I didn't want to deal with that right now. One thing I did check out was a group chat i was added to named 'Cargo & Co. houshous'

WilburSnoot: hey! I know it's late but I'm gonna make breakfast for myself and anyone who wants it, pancakes are on the menu.

Slimpickle (Charlie): omnonmomnonmon want canpackes

Ned Tivisõn: I shall also indulge in the muching of the cake

BuildabearTravis: awww man! I would if I didn't fill up on them those bagel bites :(

WilburSnoot: ok 3 stacks comin' up, be down in 15

As I made my way upstairs I decided that I would make the pancakes from scratch. We did have a few boxes of pancake mix ,but it's not like it was too much extra work anyways.
About 15 minutes, some eggs, milk, flour and other ingredients later the two boys and i were stuffing our faces at the kitchen island.

"hey, are either of you any good at building stuff?"

"yeah, I mean I'm sure Ted is and I'm pretty willing to lend a helping hand. What do you need anyways?"

" I bought enough furniture for half a house, and i wanna get it set up by the end of the day but I'm terrible with this kind of stuff."

"oh, sure ,we could help out right? As a matter of fact I actually spent a few summers helping out a guy who invent all kinds of crazy shit out of the back of his garage. Learnt a great deal about building trinkets and stuff there."

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