Silver walked through the doorframe of the small cottage. She felt the hinges where it had been completely blown off. Up the walls were stains of blood and sweat, puddles of red blood were surrounding the floor. Silver walk through and froze when she reached the living room. Tears stung her eyes but she held them in as she sat down on the floor. "It was right here." She muttered pulling her knees up to her chest. "I was over there, I should've jumped between her and the spell. I should've given her the ring. I SHOULD'VE DONE SOMETHING!" She screeched as the memory of the night began replaying in her mind. All of a sudden, the room began spinning again, but this time much faster. She saw stars in front of her eyes before the room faded to black.

Months passed by slowly and painfully. Slowly, they began to accept Ivys passing and continued with their lives. The funeral was a small gathering as she didn't have much family left, they buried her with the tombstone reading what she'd always said was her best quote. 'Being a bitch is fun, but being a badass bitch is a lifestyle.' Silver could no longer hide the fact she was pregnant and was due in the passing weeks with a baby girl. Molly Weasley had given birth to twin boys, Fred and George Weasley. Silver and Sirius had finally finished unpacking their house and had finished the baby's nursery. James had been acting extremely nervous lately and Silver had a few guesses as to the reason but Lily just kept smacking him round the side of the head and laughing about it. Remus had disappeared off to the mountains to get away for a bit. He said that he'd write letters whenever he could, but everyone agreed that he needed the break. 

They were currently at their weekly game night in Lily and James' house in Godric Hollow. Silver and Sirius were way out into the lead with over a 100 point lead. James and Lily were trying their best to over take them but were unsuccessful. Silver and Sirius cheered as they finally won the game and began doing their victory dances. But suddenly, Sirius bent down on one knee and held up a red velvet box. Gasps suddenly filled the room as everyone watched in shock. "Silver Swan Snape, you are the only girl I could've ever wished to be with and the only girl I could possibly imagine myself being married to. So Princess, will you marry me?" Tears streamed down Silvers face as she nodded and pulled him up into a kiss. He opened the box to reveal the Black Family ring that she had returned to him last year. She slipped it on her finger and pressed another kiss to his lips. "I love you, Sirius Black." She giggled. The boy smirked and looked around at the others who cheered as Silver showed them all the ring. James chuckled as he helped Lily, "Well if we're making announcements, Lilys pregnant." The group jumped up and hugged the four of them, congratulating them on their news. 

"Padfoot," James whispered from in the kitchen the following day. Sirius furrowed his eyebrows and wandered into the kitchen, "Yes Prongs." He chuckled and rolled his eyes as James shut the kitchen door. "I want to propose to Lily, I want to make it special. She wants to get married before the baby's born." Sirius' eyes widened as he nodded enthusiastically. Instantly, the pair began racking his brain for possible ways to propose, the pair hours writing down possible ideas before finally they came up with the perfect way. "This, this is why I want you to be my best man Sirius." James smirked looking up to Sirius. Of course, he agreed and the pair hugged before launching themselves into preparation for the question. 

That night, Silver and Sirius were sat with Lily in the living room at Godric's Hollow. Silver smirked and jumped up from the sofa as the clock his exactly 8pm. "Lily, can we have a word out in the garden. It's about the baby." Lily jumped up and nodded, immediately holding onto Silvers now prominent baby bump. "Is it okay? Is something wrong? Is my little niece okay?" Lily asked quickly. Silver giggled and nodded, "The baby's fine Lily." Lily nodded slowly, a suspicious look on her face as she followed the girl out. "If you're pranking me, you're dead. I will..." The girl trailed off when she looked out into the garden.

The grass had be lined with candles and rose petals. Fairly lights were floating above head and in the middle James stood in a full suit, with a dozen lilies in his hand and a cheesy smile plastered across his face. Lily immediately broke down into tears as she looked to the boy she loved so deeply. "I swear Potter, if this is a joke." Lily warned as she wiped away her tears, Silver giggled and pushed the girl gently towards James. He held Lily's hand and got down on one knee, "Lily, you're my best friend, the love of my life. I would die you for without even a second thought. I've been in love with you since I first laid eye on you in first year, you were just a bossy red headed girl, but I wanted you to be my bossy red headed girl. Lily Evans, will you marry me?" Lily nodded and pulled the boy up to kiss him while Silver and Sirius cheered blasting confetti out of their wands. 

The four of them spent the rest of the night celebrating, with Sirius and James getting drunk on Fire-whiskey, while Silver and Lily sat happily with their pumpkin juice. "These children are going to be barking mad." Lily giggled as she watched Sirius and James play hide and seek using the invisibility cloak. Silver giggled and nodded, "What do you think you're going to call him or her?" Silver asked as she placed a hand on Lilys tiny in comparison baby bump. Lily thought for a moment and grinned, "Harry for a boy and Sylvie for a girl." Silver smiled widely at Lily,
"Lily, would you really name you baby after me?" Lily giggled and nodded. Silver carefully pulled the girl into a hug, which was rather hard due to the size of Silvers stomach. "What about you?" Lily asked as she took a spoonful of peanut butter out of the jar she was holding. "Ivy Lily." Silver smirked as she too took a spoonful, Lily grinned at the girl.

"If I have a boy, these two better get married so we can be related." Silver nodded in agreement causing both girls to break out into laughter. A stag came running into the room with one of Lilys bras dangling from its antler. "James Fleamont Potter! Get my bra off your antler right now!" Lily demanded, Sirius came running down the stairs, tears of laughter rolling down his face. "He changed and now he's too drunk to change back." He wheezed falling to the floor in fits of giggles.

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