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"Ah fuck, I feel like i'm gonna vomit" Cara muttered from the back seat. They have been driving for a few minutes now and throughout the whole ride, Cara has been nearly finished two bottles of alcohol.

"Hold on, babe. We're almost there" Diego muttered from the driver's seat. Cara's head immediately turned up at the sound of the pet name. Klaus glanced at her and smirks as he sees his sister's face redden.

"I didn't know you two were together" Klaus spoke up, turning to Diego before smirking. "I mean I knew you two were like horny teenagers that snuck around at night and did some stuff behind dad's bac-" Klaus was cut off by Diego slapping him upside the head.

"Okay we get it, Klaus" Diego said, embarrassed. "Besides we're not together" He continued. Cara looked at him from the back seat, a look of hurt flashing on her face before immediately changing back to her usual drunk self.

"Not yet" Cara laughed from the back causing Klaus to turn to look at her. "Oh my god you two would have really beautiful babies" Klaus said before giggling. "Just some very beautiful, strong, caramel coloured babies"

"Will you two stop it? I'm driving here." Diego spoke up acting annoyed but deep inside he was thinking about the girl who was drunkenly singing in the back seat. He thought about how it would be like to actually be with her. To hold her tightly against him. To spend the rest of his life with her.

"Oh I know that look, Diego" Klaus giggled at him. "You're thinking hard about something" He continued. "But don't think too hard. Or else you might get a wild boner there" Klaus joked causing Diego to immediately step on the breaks. Klaus and Cara immediately get thrown forward, both of them groaning

"We're here" Diego muttered out as he parked the car just outside the motel behind an ice cream truck. "Did you seriously have to stop that quickly? Couldn't you have warned us" Cara whined, holding her forehead.

"That's what you get for encouraging him" He said, glancing at Klaus. "Fine. Well unlock the door I have to puke" Cara muttered before pulling the handle repeatedly. Diego eventually unlocks it and Cara quickly runs out of the car and spills out the remains of her dinner.

Diego gets out of the car just as Cara gets back inside. He stealthily walks over to Hazel and Cha-Cha's car a few minutes after they enter their rooms. He plants a tracker under their car before quickly getting back to Klaus and Cara who were sat there drinking alcohol.

"You just puked out the last one and you're at it again?" Diego asked Cara who was once again drinking from a new bottle of vodka. "Alcohol makes everything better" Cara says before giggling causing Diego to shake his head at the girl.

"Bingo" he mutters out as he looks up at Hazel and Cha-Cha who were now looking at their car before closing their curtains. "you do know that killing these people is not gonna make you feel any better" Klaus mutters out before bringing his own bottle of alcohol to his lips.

"Yeah, but when it's done..." Diego trailed off, slipping his knives into his many holsters. "I'm gonna sleep like a baby" He replied. "Sure you will" Klaus muttered before turning away.

Soon, the man, Hazel, gets out of the room catching Diego's attention. "Both of you stay in the car" Diego said causing the two to groan. "What are you talking about? This guy tortured me." Klaus complained "you said we'd do this together how come you're leaving me out?" Cara asked, leaning forward to face Diego.

"First of all, you're too drunk to even function" Diego stated causing the girl to groan. "And second, I have a plan." He assured her before getting out of the car and walking away, leaving the two to groan.

"Should we follow him?" Klaus asked, turning to his sister before smirking. "We definitely should" Cara replied causing Klaus to giggle in his seat before getting out of the car. Cara follows and soon, they walk toward the motel, silently following Diego who was clueless about their presence

[✔️] Agony || Diego Hargreeves [1]Where stories live. Discover now