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It's been hours since their arrest, Cara blankly stared out at the wall as light from the sun peeked through the window. She felt her eyes droop, clearly she hasn't slept at all. The silence was then interrupted by the sound of the jail being unlocked causing her to turn her head. A police officer walks in before grabbing her wrist, placing handcuffs around them. The officer then walks out, holding the girl tightly by the handcuffs as she is brought in front of a desk.

"Uncuff her" Eudora said from behind the desk. The officer uncuffs Cara before walking away, leaving the girl to look at the detective awkwardly. "You can sit down" Eudora softly says and the girl follows.

"I'm sorry about everything" Eudora said, looking intently at the brunette that was sitting in front of her. "Diego can be an asshole sometimes" she continued. "Oh believe me, he's an asshole all the time" Cara chuckled, finally feeing comfortable around the detective.

The two laugh, sharing the same experiences with the same man. Soon, the laughter dies down and Cara gently smiles at Eudora, clearly seeing what Diego piked about the woman. "But he does care about you" Eudora spoke up. "Always has"

"What do you mean?" Cara asked in confusion. "He would talk about you all the time. Back when we were together, he'd always mention you, his best friend. The one who always had his back. He missed you." Eudora answered.

Cara nodded at the woman's words. Though she still had feelings for Diego, she knew he only thought of her as a best friend. "And don't worry. It's all over. There's nothing going on between us" Eudora said. "I-I didn't-" Cara uttered out, confused. "I could sense it. Last night, when you looked at him and me, and looked defeated." Eudora quickly cuts her off.

Cara looked at her in shock. Was I really that obvious?

I Soon the two women were cut off by the sound of Diego's voice. "Were you two talking about me?" He jokingly asked but neither of the girls responded.

"Uncuff him" Eudora said, a stern look now replacing her previous soft smile. The same officer uncuffs Diego before walking away. The man sits down on the chair beside Cara, before leaning his elbows on the table before taking a random file in front of him.

"Did you talk to the tow truck guy?" Diego asked but was immediately cut off when Eudora takes the file out of his grasp. "Shut up and listen carefully" she told him. "The next time you interfere in one of my investigations, you so much as breathe on one of my witnesses, or touch a piece of evidence, i'll charge you with obstruction of justice. You will do jail time. That clear?

"Damn" Diego muttered out. "Diego" Cara immediately scolded him. Diego lets out a sigh before speaking up, "Look, I know you. You like playing by the rules, but you live for putting the scumbags away. So why don't you put that badge down for one night... and you come out on the streets with me? Without all of this bullshit."

"Diego, just lay off, alright?" Cara said, trying her best to ease the situation but this only makes him mad. "Hey, this has nothing to do with you. So you lay off" Diego said, not sparing the girl a glance. Cara clenched her fists once again.

"Eudora, am I free to go?" She asked the woman, trying her best not to look at the man beside her. Diego lets out a sigh knowing he hurt her feelings but he stays silent. "Yeah, go ahead. Stay safe, alright?" The detective answered, sending her a small smile. Once again, Diego turns his head away

Cara nods before walking out of the police station, leaving Diego and Eudora to talk. Once she gets out, she spots Diego's car which she assumes was brought here by one of the officers. She ponders whether to wait for him or to just head home by herself. She decides on the latter and walks over to the side of the road to hail a taxi.

[✔️] Agony || Diego Hargreeves [1]Where stories live. Discover now