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"Knock knock" someone said from the doorway causing Cara to lift her head and look at the man dressed in all black. "What do you want, Diego?" Cara asked before turning back to the drumstick that she was playing with on her hand.

"I just want to say that i'm sorry... about yesterday" Diego said before walking forward and taking a seat at the end of her bed. "I wanted to talk to you but I couldn't find you" He continued.

"It's okay. I've basically forgotten everything about it" Cara said before chuckling. Diego looked at her briefly before sighing. "I also wanted to talk to you about something else." He said causing the girl to look at him nervously.

"What is it?" Cara asked. "Patch found something in your coat the other day when she was checking you. A bottle of pills. She said she wanted me to talk to you about it." He said before looking at her sadly.

"What are you taking them for?" Diego questioned. Cara stopped playing with the drumstick, her hands immediately falling to her lap before they started to pull at the bottom of her shirt. I- uh.. they're for migraines" she lied

Diego cut her off. "Don't lie to me. That's what you do when you lie. So just, please... be honest with me." He softly said before moving closer to her and taking her hands between his.

13 years ago...

"Cara, Dear, please. You have to eat. You haven't eaten anything in a week. Every time I come get the tray, it's still the same" Grace sadly pleaded from outside Cara's room. Cara remained laying on her bed, silently staring at the blank grey wall. Tear stains can be seen on her cheeks

"I'll leave these here. Please come and get them" Grace said before placing the tray of food down on the floor just beside her door.

It has been a week since Ben's death and everyone in the Hargreeves mansion was grieving- well everyone except Reginald. The seven siblings took the news badly but Cara was the worst. The six teenagers would at least come out for meals with their father but no matter what, Cara wouldn't step outside of her room.


It has been two weeks and Cara has finally decided to open up. She would go out of her room at night whenever her siblings were asleep and take showers so that she wouldn't encounter her siblings. And no, she still wouldn't come out of her room in the morning but she did start eating again. She wouldn't finish the meals that her mother would leave her but she'd eat 1/4 of it and that was more than enough for a first step.

The other six children have also been making progress. They would come out of their rooms and chat with one another from time to time. They would also miss Cara but they all understood that she needed time.


It has been 18 months since Ben's death and now is the first time since then that Cara would step out of her room. Reginald didn't bother visiting her seeing as he thought that she would useless either way to be used for missions.

Letters were scattered behind her door seeing as that was the only form of communication with her. Her siblings didn't know if she was awake or even okay enough to talk to. Cara never bothered opening the letters that her siblings slipped under her door so they all sat there crumpled and dusty.

Cara stepped out of the room, the light immediately hitting her eyes making her raise her arms up to cover her eyes. She slowly stepped further into the hallway before stopping just outside Diego's door.

[✔️] Agony || Diego Hargreeves [1]Where stories live. Discover now