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"So?" Five asked as Diego and Cara walked up to where him and Allison had been standing. "You're welcome" Diego said, holding the file away from Five's leaning figure. Allison then immediately took the file away from his hands and opens it up.

"Holy shit" Allison exclaimed, catching their attention.

Cara immediately stands beside Allison and leans in to look at the file. Her eyes widen as they were met with a picture of Harold Jenkins. "Fuck" Cara muttered in disbelief

"What?" Diego asked. Allison then raises the file up to their view, the picture displaying upfront for their eyes to see.

"Harold Jenkins is Leonard Peobody"


Cara's mind was racing throughout the whole ride. Her thoughts varied from Vanya's angry outburst at her and Leonard's words about how shit she was.

Even if Diego tried to comfort her back at the alleyway, she just can't seem to take her mind off it. It's like they were taunting her about her stupid decisions. And the fact that she still hasn't taken her medication in days made things way worse for her.

"We're here" Diego muttered out, cutting her from her thoughts. Her eyes flicker out the window, seeing a simple brick house. "You sure this is it? Expected him to live in an evil lair or something" Cara mumbled as she observed her surroundings.

Diego soon turns off the ignition and gets out of the car, Allison following after him. She gets out and notices Five who was having a hard time getting out of the car.

She looks at the boy in confusion before running to his side of the car, opening the door for the boy. "You okay?" Cara asked in concern noticing his pained and generally uncomfortable expression. "Yeah, yeah. Just... back pain" Five excused.

Cara looked at the boy in confusion. "You have a body of a thirteen year old, how could you have back pain?" She asked. Five shrugged before walking after Allison and Diego who were making their way to the house.

Cara follows behind, noticing her brother's limping, but she didn't want to ask seeing as he didn't want to talk about it.

"Be careful, okay? We don't know what Peabody's capable of." Allison spoke up. "Yeah, he didn't seem dangerous when I first saw him." Diego replied. "Looked kinda scrawny"

"Yeah, well, so are most serial killers and mass murderers. I mean, look at him" Allison replied before gesturing to Five who limped beside her. "Thanks" he replied.

"Good point"

"So what's this guy want with Vanya?" Diego asked, walking up the stairs to the front porch. "I don't know. How about we ask him after we kill him?" Five replied as he tightly gripped on to the handrails for balance. "Woah, little guy. No killing for you" Cara said as she immediately stood by his side and helped him up the stairs.

"Whoa, whoa. Hey, look i'm gonna burst through–" Diego trailed off, turning to look at the two behind him. Cara and Diego look at Five as he looks around the area, knowing exactly what he was up to

"You know what? It would be nice for people just to stick to–" Diego didn't get to finish when Five immediately spatial jumps and disappears right in front of their eyes. "The plan"

"Well, guess it's just us" Cara joked as Diego looked at the door. "Great" Diego mumbled in annoyance at Five before stepping back, preparing to burst through the wooden door.

[✔️] Agony || Diego Hargreeves [1]Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin