
Why's he suddenly quiet?

"...Well then... You better start practicing with your gear so you can get comfortable and improve."


What the hell was that all about?


Back in the present.

I'm still eating dinner with mom and dad. I'm still perplexed about what happened earlier. No matter, future me will take care of it, I hope.

"...Issei dear, are you ok?" Mom asked worried.

" Huh? Ah yeah, I'm fine. Why'd you ask?"

"You have that look in your face that looks troubled. Being a father has it's perks, you know?" Dad grinned.

Wow. Is this what they call parental instincts?

"Uh it's nothing. I'm just bummed that Jin-san and little Jin will go back already, I miss them already."

It was the truth, but it wasn't the thing that I was actually having trouble about.

"Oh honey, it's fine I'm sure they will visit again." Mom assured.

"Yeah, I know"

"So Issei, do you have a girl you're into right now?" Dad asked suddenly.

I spewed and coughed out my drink.

"Honey! Why would you ask him that?" Mom got mad.

"What? Got to ask him cause he's a changed man now. It would be interesting to know." Dad answered.

Shit. I got too focused on getting stronger and planning about future encounters that I forgot about my love life. No one's really paying attention to me that much though.

Issei didn't know that he was getting popular at school and there's a lot of women that wanted to confess to him. They just didn't have the timing because Issei always ran off early to start training. While the love letters are always getting stolen by Matsuda and Motohama, who happened to be at the point of jealousy that they didn't want Issei to know that he was as popular as Kiba Yuuto.

"*cough* N-not *cough* really." Issei answered while coughing.

"Really? I thought you would have a lot by now because of your porn colle-! Ow!"

Mom slapped Dad on the top of his head.

"Otou-san!" Mom angry.

"...I'll just clean up and get ready to for tomorrow. Good night Mom, Good night Dad." Issei trying to get away answered.

"Oh, Good night son~" Mom said while pulling Dad's hair.

"J-just remember to put a condom in yo- AAHH!!"


Mom started beating the shit out of Dad. I'm seeing an imaginative Oni(Demon) mask on Mom's face.

Ahhhh~ What a peaceful day.


I lied on my bed.

'Hey Ddraig' Issei asked telepathically.

'What is it?' Ddraig answered.

'What is love?'

'...Go to sleep kid' Ddraig retorted.


So, I slept my worries away.


I was on my way to school.

Before I got off the house, I did my daily routine of studying, training and working out as well as reading about the RE Taekwondo. The moves are beginning to become easier, Master Jin definitely made me practice a different kind of basic training than an ordinary one. I tried one move and it made my whole body numb and painful, as always. That move was at page 8.

I also practiced with Ddraig on the Boosted Gear to get me started, the result was unexpected. I got boosted like 10 times before getting tired, I think it was good for my first try.

The problem though was, I didn't know where I was gonna release my energy. So, I circled Kuoh until I got tired, it took me 5 loops to release the energy inside me. I was fortunate I woke up at my usual 3:30 A.M. so I was done at 7:00 A.M... It was plenty of time for me to get ready to school.

"Today is going to be another uneventful day" Issei said bored.


I arrived at school on time. I sat down at my desk, and as always, Matsuda and Motohama approached me.

" 'Sup Issei?" Matsuda greeted.

"Good morning Issei" Motohama also greeted.

"Morning guys, what's up?" Issei asked.

"Nothing much, anyway, have you heard the news lately?" Matsuda suddenly asked.

"News? About what?"

"Apparently some dudes found a destroyed area in the forest, the damages were huge, and it was in a straight line. They were camping close to the area when they heard something very loud and checked it out. When they got there, the area was already destroyed." Motohama spookily said.

Wait... Isn't that...

"The masses keeps talking about it, and some authorities are trying to find out what happened" Matsuda added.

That was where Master Jin and I fought!!!

"O-oh? T-that's kind of mysterious isn't it" Issei nervously replied.

"Yeah, it totally is" Motohama responded.

*DINNNGG DONNNNGGG! * The school bell rang.

"Okay class, take your seat!" Sensei entered.

That was so close! We almost got found out! Oh god, that almost made me shit bricks!

I relived a sigh.

We'll be careful next time.


And cut!


I don't have a lot of things to say. Except that, canon will start next chapter.

And that's it! I'm LazyHunterZ! Signing out!

Issei Reborn (Highschool DxD fanfic) [Currently Rewriting]Where stories live. Discover now