18. Mile High

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July 7th, 7:12 p.m.
5 days before the Infiltration
Haunted House, California Desert

The day was humid yet breezy. It was perfect weather. Everything about this day was perfect. I woke up with Four by my side. We ate chocolate chip pancakes for breakfast. He taught me how to skateboard. Expectedly, I fell a thousand times. Five and Two made me drive them to the middle of the desert, and we screamed our asses off.

It was a good day until One said, "We're going on a plane," in a sinister tone.

I groaned loudly as my face fell. "What?"

Three suddenly became worried. "No. No planes. What the fuck is wrong with you? No planes."

"Then how did you expect to get to Chicago?" Two asked, disappointed in him.

He thought about his answer for a second, trying to make sure it wouldn't sound stupid. "I don't know. I just don't want to get on the plane unless it's necessary."

"We're still gonna get in the plane," Seven said.

"But don't worry," One assured Three, "we'll give you a diaper."

We all laughed except for Three. He stood with his arms crossed across his chest, pouting.

"You're all assholes," he said while pointing at all six of us.

Five got defensive. "What did I do?"

"You laughed. Shame on you."

She scoffed and looked at him in disbelief. "You're so immature." Three ignored her.

One clapped once, as a way to change the topic. He smiled wickedly and asked, "Who's ready for an adventure?"

July 7th, 7:42 p.m.
N4500X Jet, Over California Desert

One and Seven were flying the jet. Three, Four, and I were playing poker. Five and Two were playing chess although the pieces kept moving around. Now and then, Three would go off the rails and grip his seat tightly in panic. To calm him down, Two would slap the fear out of him.

"Give me two," I told Four while handing him my two worst cards. He handed me the two top cards of the pile. "Thanks."

"Grip or die," One said through the intercom.

Three immediately slammed his cards on the table, revealing them. He tightened his seatbelt and closed the window shade.

Turbulence caused Three to say, "Kill me. Kill me, you motherfucker. Kill me. No one's gonna miss me, anyway."

"Uh, no one is gonna kill you," One said through the intercom. "And don't be a fucking pussy, for fuck's sake."

"What he meant to say," Seven spoke, "is that you should chill out."

"That's not what I meant to say!" One's voice was faint.

We all laughed except for Three.

The jet rose slightly as it turned to the right. The bright sun revealed itself, going down slowly. It was such an amazing show: The blue sky contrasted the orange circle of fire. Purple was visible and pink somehow became dominant.

"Open your window," Two ordered Three.

His eyes were closed as he said, "No."

She stood up and sat on the seat beside him. "Open your fucking window," she repeated with more dominance.

Slowly, he opened his eyes and opened the window. That made the inside of the jet light up even more. I put my head on Four's shoulder and sighed at my overpowering happiness.

"I love this," I whispered to myself.

"Me too," Four answered as he kissed my forehead.

Out of the corner of my eye, I could see an unhappy Five. I stood up and walked toward her.

"Can I sit here?" I said, pointing at the seat in front of her.

"Be my guest," she said as motioned for me to sit down. She looked out the window.

"How are you?"

Five sighed. "Exhausted," she confessed.

I handed her a nearby pillow. "Sleep."

She quickly snatched it from my hands. "Thank you."

I chuckled. "You're a good person."

Five accommodated herself to sleep comfortably. "Yeah, I know" was the last thing she said before she fell asleep.

I walked back to my original seat. Three and Two were nowhere to be seen. Four gave me a warm and approving look as I sat down beside him.

"You're a good person."

"Yeah, I know," I repeated Five's words after he pecked my lips and smiled.

Moans came from the bathroom. The sound increased in volume slowly. After what seemed twenty minutes, the loudest moan sounded like a scream.

Five woke up. "Are they seriously having sex right now?" She asked Four and me.

We both shrugged. "Apparently," I answered.

Unbothered, Two and Three came out of the bathroom.

Four, Five, and I looked at the couple with disgust.

Two shrugged. "What? He wouldn't calm down."

"Next time, don't moan so loud," Five said as she went back to sleep.

"Welcome to the mile-high club," One congratulated through the intercom.

July 7th, 9:05 p.m.
Skateboarding Pit, California Desert

My feet were dangling over the rim of the pool. Four was skateboarding and doing tricks while we talked about random things.

"Favorite Bond movie?" I asked him.

"Oh, definitely Goldfinger," he didn't give his answer a second thought.

I gave him a surprised look. "Really?"

He scoffed as he stopped in the middle of the pool and looked at me. "Of course! Have you seen Pussy Galore?"

"Yeah, she's hot, I'll give you that. But Goldfinger?"

Four continued to skateboard. "Yeah. What other movie did you have in mind?"

"I don't know. Maybe Dr. No."

"Oh, I didn't think about that movie." He paused. "But Goldfinger is still better."

I smiled at his stubbornness. "What do you want to do tomorrow?"

He left his skateboard at the bottom of the pool and climbed up to the rim. Four sat down by me.

"I don't know. Probably nothing, I'm tired." He laid down and placed his head on my lap. "Maybe make out for a long time, I don't know."

A laugh escaped my lips. "Why can't we make out right now?"

He turned his body so his eyes could meet mine. "Seriously?" He excitedly asked.

I laughed once again. "No."

"You're no fun," he childishly said as he sat back up.

I quickly wrapped my arms around his neck and kissed him. Without hesitation, he placed his hands on my waist and kissed me back. His lips were soft as they connected with mine. Four tilted his head to the side to deepen the kiss. I suddenly felt the cold concrete on my back. I was laying down.

I pulled back. Four protested. "Why?"

"We're not gonna have sex here," I simply answered.

He slid down into the pool to get his skateboard. He climbed back up and said, "You're such a cockblocker."

I gasped as I stood up. "Excuse me?"

"You're most definitely not excused."

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