6. Urus

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April 28th, 2:44 p.m.
Haunted House, California Desert

"And that's where you come in," One said, pointing at the map of Foxwell's office building.

I squinted to properly read the map's lettering. "So you expect me to go in wearing a long-ass dress, seduce Mr. Grey, get him to drive to his penthouse, and install cameras all around his apartment?"

He nodded as if it weren't a big task. "And stop calling him Mr. Grey."

I looked at him unbothered. "Whatever," I sighed, thinking of all possible flaws of the plan. "You do know I'm probably not his type, right?"

Seven shrugged. "Get him drunk."

"You're literally telling me to get him to drive while drunk."

Faint footsteps stopped One from responding. "Sorry, I'm late," Four said.

One ignored him. "He has a chauffeur. And a limo."

I dramatically groaned. "Why can't Two do it?" I whined.

Three stood in front of his girlfriend, defensively. "I won't let her."

"Yeah, and she did it last time, on the yacht," One defended her. "Plus, she's not as good at technology as you."

"I don't have to have sex with him, right?" I asked One.

"No," Four said, looking at One firmly.

"No. But you might have to kiss him," One said, looking at Four cautiously.

Suddenly, my eyes read a familiar word on the map. "Merchandise Mart." My eyes widened and as I looked up, One pursed his lips, disappointed on himself.

"Look, I'm sorry I didn't tell you, but I knew you weren't going to do it if I told you," he quickly said before I could react.

"So you made me travel cross-country, just to go back there?"

Everyone was confused. "The fuck are you talking about?" Seven asked.

I exasperatedly sighed. "The mission is in Chicago."

"I still don't get what the problem is," Three said, oblivious.

Two seemed disappointed. "Eight's from Chicago. Her family lives there. They're looking everywhere for her body."

Three's eyes widened in realization. Everyone was clearly used to his obliviousness. "I'm not stupid, I swear."

We ignored him. "I guess I don't have another option," I pointed at the map. "Have you ever been there?"

"Once or twice," One said.

"Do you need me to explain how the streets work?"

He smirked like a little boy. "Please."

I sighed once again. "Where's his apartment?"

"North Wells Street. Like three blocks away from the Merchandise Mart."

I internally rolled my eyes at his apparent incapability to do proper research. "There's a parking garage across the street from his apartment building. It's almost as tall as the Mart. I could park the van there and Seven can do his sniping."

Five checked the Mart's map. "What's the floor where his offices are?"

"Thirteen," One answered.

"Isn't there gonna be people?" She asked.

"No. Foxwell planned his party in advance. The director of the building won't let anyone into the building past seven P.M." One checked some papers that were in front of him. He looked at me. "He also reserved the parking lot you were talking about. No one in past seven except for his guests."

"What's the party for?" Four asked.

"One-year anniversary of Foxxy." I stifled a laugh, so did Three. "So, back to you, Miss Steel."

"I am not going to have sex with him," I said.

"What the fuck is your problem? He's hot," One picked up a picture of Foxwell and pointed at it. "See? Hot."

"I just refuse to have sex with him, is all."

Three gasped. "Has your cherry been not popped?"

"I'm not a virgin."

Three gasped once again. "Are you a lesbian?"

"I'm not a lesbian."

"Then what are you?" He crossed his arms. "Because right now, I'm thinking that you're secretly a nun."

I debated whether to tell them or not. "I'm demisexual," I struggled to say.

Three seemed confused. "Demi-- What now?"

"It's when you only have sex with someone if you have a strong emotional connection," Four explained, looking at me thoughtfully.

Three started to understand. "But you like cock, though, right?" I cringed at him while nodding.

One put his hands in the air, mimicking surrender. "Alright, I won't make you have sex with him." I thanked him. "You're still gonna have to seduce him. We need the cameras in his apartment."

I nodded, feeling a weight lift off my shoulders. "Sure." It became silent for a little bit. "When am I getting the van?" Everyone smirked at each other, except for Two. She stood silently between Three and Five. "What?"

April 28, 3:18 p.m.
Outside of Eight's Trailer, California Desert

We were walking toward my trailer. One kept asking me questions like, "You used to drag race, right?" or "What's the fastest car you've ever ridden?" To which I answered, "Yeah, years ago," and "My brother's girlfriend's Ferrari. Why?"

They all smirked like serial killers. We kept walking until an SUV with a drape over it was visible. I raised my eyebrows at One.

Four uncovered the SUV. It was a midnight purple Lamborghini Urus. I was speechless. I squealed once I digested the fact that I now owned a Lambo. I jumped up and down and hugged everyone.

"That... is the best thing that I have ever owned," I said after I squealed. 

One chuckled. "Use it carefully, though. Last time we had a luxury car, things didn't end as planned," he warned before he glanced at everyone.

"Wait, so I'm supposed to use this for surveying? It's too small, isn't it?"

He nodded. "You're our new getaway driver, congrats."

"Okay, so I'm not the eagle anymore?"

"Oh no, you are. You'll get a Suburban once we get to Chicago. This car is to impress Mr. Foxwell and to effortlessly draw attention to yourself. And it was the fastest and coolest SUV we could find."

I nodded. "Okay."

One could see the confusion in my eyes but didn't say anything. Seven, on the other hand, said, "I made him get it for you because he lied to you about your funeral. It's like an apology present."

"'Cause, you know, the weed wasn't enough," One muttered under his breath.

I smiled at him. Three lowered his head and whispered, "Should we tell her that she's probably gonna crash it?" to Two.

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