22. Mixed Feelings

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July 12th, 10:01 p.m.
Infiltration Day
Chicago, Illinois

Scarlet was the new color of the wooden floor. Foxwell killed Eight, there was no doubt about it. The candles scented the air. Foxwell was intrigued at Eight. He was definitely surprised at her being alive, but he never would have expected her to go to his apartment.

It was strange. In the past, he would have sworn that she was the most influential woman in her life. But now that he was looking at her dead body, he did not find any fascination in her whatsoever.

As he left his apartment, dead body on the floor, he called Cassandra, telling her to take care of it.

Four had witnessed the murder of his girlfriend and could do nothing about it. Tears welled up in his eyes.

"One, I have to do something. I have to go in there," he protested.

"No, don't compromise the mission," One said as he climbed up the stairs to get to Eight.

His voice got lost in the knot that crept up his throat. "She's fucking dead! Fuck the mission. She's dead."

Seven was trying to find the motherfucker on the scope of his rifle. He was nowhere to be seen.

Five tried to hold back the tears. She was with Eight's brother, she had a desire to tell him everything.

Four descended from the walls of the building, wanting to catch up to One. Hoping to hear Eight's voice again.

Three had won his Blackjack match. He immediately stood up afterward and cursed Foxwell for what he had done.

Two wanted to tell everyone that she was right. She knew someone was going to get hurt.

One arrived at Foxwell's apartment with a bag in his hands. He saw Eight and took a picture of her dead body. He put a coat over her to conceal the blood. He carried her outside of the apartment and left her there.

He spotted the cameras Eight had left and emptied the contents of the body bag on the scarlet floor.

A body that was about the same size as Eight laid down on the floor amongst all the blood.

One took out a blood bag and injected the body with it.

"What are you doing, One?" Four asked him as he ran up the building's stairs.

"Shut up and go back to Seven."

"No, I'm not leaving her."

"I got this. Go back to Seven."

"Come on, kid," Seven intervened. "Come back."

Four sighed.

"Hi bitches!" A voice said.

Everyone stopped what they were doing. What the fuck was going on?

Four stuttered. "How the fuck..." He wiped his tears and sniffled.

"Remember the time One decided to fill five blood bags with my blood?"

They all said yes.

"Well, he clipped them on the bulletproof vest I'm wearing. The rest was acting."

Four arrived at the apartment, where a very alive Eight waited for him.

He looked at her through his tear-filled eyes and kissed her like he never had before. Hungrily, cravingly. As though that was the last time they were going to kiss.

"If you ever do that to me again, I swear, I will—"

"I won't."

He sighed and hugged her. "I love you, too."

"Eight!" One shouted tentatively from the apartment. "Can you come here please?"

She rolled her eyes at his tone. "What's up?"

One gave her a cup. "Pee."

"Why the fuck do you want me to pee in a cup?" Eight asked him, disgusted.

"Because we need to infuse as much of your DNA into her body as possible."

"Where did you get her, anyway?" Four asked, pointing at the dead body.

"Universities don't care about their morgues as much as you'd think."

"Can you guys hurry up?" Two demanded. "Three is getting way too drunk."

"Pee in the cup and we'll be fine."

She rolled her eyes, snatched the cup from his hands, and went to Foxwell's bathroom.

A few minutes later, she came out. "Here."

One took it from her hands. He cringed. "Ugh, it's warm." He showered the dead body with the urine. "Let's go."

Eight took the cup and put it into the bag. "You got the cameras?" One nodded. He got a gasoline container out of his bag. "How big is this thing?" She asked, referring to the bag.

"You don't wanna know," he answered while he inundated the apartment with gasoline. "Seven, is Foxwell walking?"

Seven checked and there he was, a perceptively scared Foxwell. "Yes."

"Kill his office guards."

"Yes, sir."

One tilted a candle, starting a fire. Eight, Four, and One walked downstairs and got into Eight's Urus.

"You drove him here?" Four asked.

Eight shrugged. "He said he was drunk. I didn't want to crash!"

One rolled his eyes. "Just drive," he ordered her. "Three, go distract Cassandra."

Three turned his head to look for Cassandra. "Okay."

That was Two's cue. She walked to Foxwell's office discreetly. She saw a shadow of two people having sex. She then heard moans. "It's not me. Someone else."

Eight arrived at the parking garage. She immediately got into her Suburban and opened her laptops.

"Five, go help Two," One ordered.

Five's muted microphone came back to life. "I'm kinda busy."

Eight groaned and covered the screen of her laptop.

"What is it?" Four asked.

"She's having sex with my brother."

Three chuckled. "Rebound. Nice."

"What was that?" Cassandra asked. She then saw her boss. "Never mind." She walked toward him.

Three walked behind Cassandra to start a conversation with the pair.

"Two, the office hallway is clear," Eight informed.

A couple of buff men were on the floor, bleeding out. Two entered Foxwell's office. She placed a device Eight gave her on his computer. Passwords, files, and pictures popped up on Eight's computer screen.

"You're good, Two. Get outta there," Eight said.

Two got out of the office and pretended she was drunk and looking for the bathroom. She went downstairs after Three did. Five followed shortly afterward.

Eight got into her Urus and put her neon green mask on. She drove as fast as she could to the Mart. Three people were waiting for her.

Five, Three, and Two got into the car, where three masks were waiting for them. Eight drove back to the parking garage, getting a few stares along the way.

"We're gonna wait for him to go to Willis Tower and then we strike," One informed.

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