Chapter 10

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"Jade you are so clueless sometimes you know", said Elena in frustration, Jade had unintentionally spilled the beans on what happened between Marcus and her. "What do you mean, all I asked I asked is why he hired me".

"You see Jade, when a man tries so hard to get you to stay, don't give him reasons to let you go unless you really hate him", said Elena exasperatedly, Jade cringed at the word hate because that was the opposite of what she was feeling, yes she had to admit her love for him. "You shouldn't be encouraging this", she said.

"Jade my sons are as stubborn as their fathers, the one above and the one here, I am choosing to trust his judgement because I see the type of woman you are and I'm happy so stop pushing him away because he is who you want to be with, don't use other women as an excuse". After
Elena left Jade knew what she had to do, it was time to court her man.

Morning brought new resolutions and Jade was determined to keep them. She showered and got dressed in a wine red fitted dress that was knee length and had three quarter sleeves; she left her hair down since Marcus liked it that way. When Jade got to work Marcus hadn't arrived yet as he had flown out for a meeting he didn't want her to attend. He had been avoiding her, rarely making eye contact or being close to her and it made her miserable, she missed him terribly.

"Hey Jade what's up?" asked Shelly in her usual high-pitched voice, Jade knew a favour was coming as Shelly never stopped by for idle chit chat. "Hey Shelly I'm great, how are you?" asked Jade cheerfully which never failed to raise Shelly's eyebrows, she didn't understand how someone could be so friendly and accommodating.

"I really need your help with some filing; if my boss gets in and realizes I am not done I will be in a lot of trouble".

"Of course, I have some free time after lunch, I'll swing by". "You are a life-saver Jade, thank you", replied Shelly as she zoomed out of the room.

A few minutes after Shelly left, Marcus and five other men including Alexander came off the elevator and went into Marcus's office with boisterous laughter, whatever meeting they had most have gone well. She stayed away from his office knowing how irritated he got when he was interrupted. Her phone interrupted her thoughts.

"Hello Lillian, what a pleasant surprise!" exclaimed Jade, she knew how much Lillian detested using a cell phone.

"Well don't get used to it, I just wanted to see if you are coming by today?" "Of course, I will come during my lunch hour to see Julie".

"That great, she wants to see you and she is healing fast which is the best news to me". 

"I know right? See you then?" asked Jade, "Sounds good, bye". As she dropped her phone the four men and Alexander came out or Marcus's office and entered the elevator, Marcus hung back to conclude his phone call so she quickly approached him. 

"Mr Valiant is there anything you need done today? " 

"No I'm heading out so do what you need to then go home", he replied absentmindedly and left her without so much as an eye contact.

Jade couldn't contain her smile when she saw Lillian and Julie taking a stroll on the hospital grounds. They spotted her immediately and waved, "Lillian, Julie it is so wonderful to see you, I have missed you", said Jade and pulled them both in for a bear hug but was careful not to hurt Julie. Julie wouldn't meet her eyes when she was spoken to, the wringing of her fingers betrayed her nervousness, "It's all in the past now Julie and you are fine".

"Jade there is something I need to tell you", said Julie.

"James and Grant came to see me yesterday; they came to ask for my forgiveness".

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