Chapter 7

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When Jade woke up the next morning, she could not cover the smile on her face. Her family had gone back to their house, Elena and Jacob had insisted that Jade stay with them until she was stable enough to get her own place. Jasmine and Laura had given her death glare the whole time they were saying their goodbyes. Alexander and Marcus would soon return to their apartments, Richard was leaving that morning but Miranda and the children were not leaving yet.

"Good morning Holy Spirit, today feel like a wonderful day, Lord help me to do my best and order my steps".

She showered quickly and put on a black pencil skirt with a long sleeved navy blue peplum chiffon shirt and a navy blue blazer. When she got downstairs Marcus was the only one at the dining table. It wasn't a surprise judging by how early it was, Elena and Jacob would probably still be in bed. Marcus looked up when he heard her come in. She looked beautiful as always, her hair was up and lovely, she looked away and sat down quietly but not before Marcus saw her flushes cheeks. "Good morning Mr Valiant", she greeted him and looked down.

''Morning Jade, I trust you slept well?'' he asked and she blushed deeply when she remembered her forward behaviour the night before. ''Yes I did... I thought you would have left for work'', she commented, he raised his head and caught her gaze.

''I am going later than usual because I want to show you the ropes today'', he said while holding her gaze. ''But why would you do this, aren't you extremely busy?'' she said as she drank her coffee.

''Yes but I am willing to make an exception'', he replied and gave her a smile, she looked away and wringed her fingers.

After breakfast, they headed to the office, when they got there Jade's eyes went wide like a kid on Christmas day. Marcus couldn't hide the smile on his face at her delight, they got into the building and he lead her to the elevator, Jade followed every movement around her, the people, the structure, trying to take it all in at once.

''Don't worry the building isn't running away'', he said and Jade bit her lip and looked away, she was embarrassed at been caught gawking at her surroundings. When they got to Marcus's office, Jade couldn't help but leave his side to look around; the office was too beautiful and elegant to be a place where cold calculations were carried out. The dark brown mahogany table was very masculine, the grey couch, glass centre table and the side tables gave the office an appeal which was very Marcus. She was so absorbed in her thoughts she wasn't aware when Marcus entered.

"Oh I'm so sorry for zoning out!'" exclaimed Jade as a light blush creeped on her face. Marcus chuckled and sat down on his chair still observing her. ''No harm done Jade, what's on your mind?"

''I like the style combination of your office, it's very you I would say''. Marcus leaned forward, totally intrigued to hear what her perspective of him was.

''What would you say my style is Jade?'' Jade turned to face him and smiled a bit before answering, ''It is not in my place to say that, you were going to show me around?'' She began to walk away and Marcus smiled at her skilful way of dodging the question. They went from each department to the other, Jade was silent, nodding and asking questions here and there while Marcus was so content standing next to her that he failed to see the shocked faces of his employees, normally the silent, brooding and strict boss there was definitely a difference in him which they could attribute to the person standing beside him, their first impression of Jade went through the roof.

When they finally got back to Marcus's floor, there was another office he propelled her to, it was a little smaller that Marcus's office. The huge desk was made of dark brown oak wood, the walls were a cream colour but the grey carpet gave it a very professional look. The shelf was stock with books from every genre mostly finance, and the couch was also grey while the centre table was white.

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