Chapter 4

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"Lillian I told you countless times to stop stressing yourself, why are you so stubborn", scolded Jade who was sitting beside Lillian's hospital bed with her daughter Julie. Jade could not believe her ears when a hysteric Julie called her saying Lillian had been admitted into the hospital.

"Look who's talking", scoffed Lillian to which Jade rolled her eyes. "Aren't you supposed to be with your family?" asked Julie, Jade sat back and held Lillian hands, Lillian gave a resigned sigh when she saw the stubborn glim in Jade's eyes. "You are not feeling well so I am here and that's all. I'm going to talk to the doctor okay?" Jade marched out of the room to search for the doctor, she found him along the hallway and thanked God she didn't have to ask around.

"Miss Colby I need to speak to you about Mrs Lillian, you are family I presume because she kept mentioning your name and Julie's?" 

"Yes I am", she replied and he nodded firmly before leading the way to his office. When Jade was seated the doctor brought a file which Jade assumed was for Lillian and opened it. "I called you because I know first-hand how stubborn Lillian can be most times and since Julie told me Lillian values your opinion, I think you would be successful in convincing her of the matter at hand", he paused and Jade unsure of what to say settled for a nod and he continued. "Lillian is putting too much stress on her body and if she continues like this, there would be complications". Her heartbeat increased at his words, no not Lillian, that old lady was as strong as a horse.

"What kind of complications?" she asked tentatively and wringed her hands nervously when the doctor gave a pause. "I never break my patients confidentiality but you need to know this so as to prevent future problems". At that point Jade wanted to scratch his eyes out for delaying the news, gritting her teeth, she breathed in to calm herself before forcing a polite mask on and replying, "I'm all ears".

"Lillian had heart murmur as a child and it was truly a miracle she recovered with no complications whatsoever, however her heart is more sensitive than most people so further stress to it can lead to dangerous heart diseases and possibly cancer". Jade's eyes widened and her breathe came out in gasps. "I hate to be the bearer of bad news but I have to be frank with you so you can communicate to her the degree of seriousness. She has to cut down on the activities she partakes in as it will go a long way in helping her situation', he said and Jade shook her head numbly then stood up to leave before remembering her manners.

"I am sorry but I didn't ask for your name", she said and he extended his hand to her, "Its Terrence Walker", replied the doctor. "Thank you for telling me, I'll make sure Lillian is looked after", she shook hands once again with Terrence before leaving his office. When she got to the room Julie was nowhere in sight so she walked closer to the bed and looked at the face of the woman who had been there for her after her mother's death, she wanted to curl in one corner and cry, Lillian had always seemed so strong to her, the thought of some activity creating a doorway to finality unsettled her so she shut her eyes tightly to block out the negative thoughts. She was getting overwhelmed when she felt another presence beside her, the feeling was one she had come to crave daily, it was a feeling of peace, joy and assurance. The small voice of the Holy Spirit never failed to lift her from her sorrow. 'His strength is made perfect in our weakness'.

Those words she had overlooked so often played back in her head and she knew who put it there. The meaning was mind-blowing to Jade, she realize she shouldn't rely on her strength alone because it could only carry her so far, instead she had to rely on the strength of God and when problems came she could always count on God to support her. She let out a breath and chuckled slightly then leaned her head back on the wall and enjoyed the moment with her divine best-friend; she didn't know when she fell asleep.

"Jade you need to go home", said Julie. "What time is it?" asked a groggy Jade. "Past four", answered Julie to which Jade rose up quickly. "What! Why didn't you wake me up sooner?"

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