He didn't understand the need within himself to protect Jade, he couldn't stay a moment without wondering if she was okay, he decided then that he would not fight it anymore, God has his reasons why he was pulling them together and he wasn't going to waste precious time fighting God, it was time to court Jade and give her solid reasons to trust his intentions.


The next morning she woke up early to pray, her heart was full of joy, she was so blessed with opportunities that felt so surreal to her and she was so grateful for it. She showered and dressed in a blood red wrap dress, she was in the midst of brushing her hair when she remembered the talk between her and Marcus the night before, she couldn't stop the blush that creeped up her cheeks, just then Olivia came and Jade tried in vain to cover her face but Olivia already saw the blush and smiled secretly.

''Morning Jade, how are you feeling?''

''There is still a dull ache but besides that I'm fine''. ''Give me that I'll style it for you, which reminds me, I don't think I have ever seen you with your hair down'', said Olivia and Jade shrugged, ''I don't know, I never thought about it, it gets in my way''. Olivia shook her head and smiled, "There is no such thing, you are a woman and your hair is one of your assets hello!'' Jade chuckled while Olivia got to work brushing her hair until it shone then she parted it
sideways so that it fell on her right cheek. 

When she got to work she immediately set up everything that was needed for the presentation and as she predicted, her hair kept getting in the way but she dared not pack it considering how much work Olivia had put into it. When the shareholders began trickling in Jade left to get the handouts, Alexander was standing outside the boardroom when she got back and he did a double take.

''Jade you look absolutely gorgeous''. 

''Oh thank you Alex, your sister's handwork'', she replied and he chuckled. ''I'll bet, how are you feeling now?'' ''Much better thank you''.

''Could you please inform Marcus that I need to speak with him before the meeting starts?'' 

''Sure thing, just give me a minute'', she replied and walked into the boardroom. The presentation hadn't started yet so some shareholders were standing and discussing some matters while others were seating and going over statistics. Marcus was at the far end talking to two men in black suit, the way they stared around the boardroom and analyzed Marcus's movement didn't seat well with her. It was a good thing Alexander wanted to speak with Marcus, that way she had an excuse to pull him away from them.

Out of the corner of his eyes, Marcus saw someone in red walking towards them and turned to see who it was, he did a double take to make sure it was really Jade and he loved what he saw. When she got to where they were two pair of greedy eyes turned to her in annoyance but covered it up quickly.

''Gentlemen this is Jade Colby, my Personal advisor, Jade meet Peter and Joshua our newest addition to the board'', said Marcus.

''It is a pleasure to meet you Jade'', said Joshua as he extended his hand which Jade shook firmly and also that of Peter who was still scanning the room. ''The pleasure is all mine'', she said with a brilliant smile which ignited envy in Marcus. Jade turned to Marcus with the same smile and placed her hand on his shoulder so she could pull herself up enough to speak into his ears and Marcus bent a little to accommodate her all the while keeping his hand supportive on her back. Marcus nodded, excused himself and followed Jade outside the office were Alexander was still standing.

"Please excuse me", she said with a smile and walked away from them towards Marcus's office and Marcus kept on staring until she took the left turn.

A Humbled HeartTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon