Chapter 14 : A gift by someone

Start from the beginning

“umm..i don’t know maybe self study .”

“are you crazy utilize this beautiful day of yours okay. Go to shopping ,have some fun”

“mom..those aren’t my stuffs ,and besides I don’t have much of my savings to splurge on stuffs like shopping. My scholarship and savings are very dear to me”

“aggghh !! don’t worry about money I shall send money to your  bank account . I’ll owe you for this shopping kay go for it”

“but mom-“

“no means no , now move your ass and get some girly things. Do not forget to tell me what you bought?”

And with that she disconnected the call. My mom sometimes seems so impossible.  I glanced at the phone to see the time


My inner self has been battling with a debate of calling one person

‘chris carter’

Because more than shopping , I think I’d enjoy his company . but then my mind              says to me that i shouldn’t as he might be busy with his work. But then my other part of mind says ,I shall at least make a call. Then again I feel like I shouldn’t.

But in the meantime my finger did not hear what I wanted and it pressed the dial button for his name.

I placed the phone on my ear to hear the ring.

One ring, two, five,ten….

He didn’t pick up .

I feel like sinking in my bed right now. I wasn’t supposed to make the call. What was I thinking, oh my god I feel so clingy of myself. I shaked my head and decided to study only , it was such a bad idea . I had to go for mom’s advice and go for shopping . what was going in my mind. My mind was wandering  with all these thoughts when I heard my phone vibrating

1 new text

I unlocked the screen to see the sender’s name

‘Chris carter’

With a sigh I open the message

Hey baby sorry I’m busy now. will talk 2 u later .xx

Suddenly a feeling a relief flooded inside me as I read the message . it gives me satisfaction that at least he did not avoid my call .i thought it’s not best to disturb him right now as he must be working now. So I thought to go for shopping instead , because after the message I feel HAPPY and i study everyday. I deserve a break .

Whoa!! Grace Roberts is going for a break ,though even from studies!!

I got up from my bed to to move towards my closet so as to find a comfortable outfit. As I was searching through the garbs I heard my door creak , I peeked to see Jill coming in with a total frustrated face. I hear a thud over her bed and guess she’s now lying on her bed.

“hectic day” I asked while looking for a good outfit

“yeah . and where the hell were you ? you know I had to sit on the first seat all alone”

“I’m sorry Jill. I slept really tight today”

“oh it’s all right .what are you doing?”

“uhh..i’m just searching for a good outfit”

“okay …what for?”

“umm..i think ..i’m going for…shopping” I took  5 seconds to add shopping at the end. See how I often I go to shopping(note the sarcasm)

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