"What's wrong with you?" I laughed.

"He didn't hold back. He didn't hesitate or think about it." Guess he saw it too.

"I just wanna know what was going on in his mind because whenever we drink together he never got like that." He gave me a glare and now I'm starting to think I shouldn't have said that.

"You're drinking Avery?" Oops.

"Hey let's go eat breakfast!" I ran to the kitchen and sat in my usual spot.


Going the whole day without my phone honestly felt amazing. There was no distractions or anything to kill my mood.

I did get followed by a couple fans all day but I tried not to let it bother me because I need to get used to this. While saying bye to the last one before leaving, I saw my friend group walking around. Not the usuals but some of them.

Robert, Pinto, and Mattia were walking around. Mattia looks like a mess but he deserves it. I look at him and every hair on my body stands as I feel disgust and hatred fill my body.

We got home and I went up to take a long, long shower.

Mattias POV

I heard Avery was going to be at the mall today so I decided to go but didn't run into her. I know she was here from the crowd of screaming girls yelling her name over and over again.

People recognized me from the video and gave me dirty looks. Some even threw food or drinks at me. I put my hoodie up and pulled the strings while leaving the place.

"Those people are horrible, sorry that happened to you man.." Robert tried to console me.

"I deserve it. She gave me one chance and I screwed up. Avery doesn't even know my side of the story though. I woke up this morning remembering everything. Like a sudden flashback came to me. Those guys I was drinking with kept putting these thoughts in my head, telling me I didn't need her and she was bad for me. I believed them..but really she was the best thing that ever happened to me Robert. It's all gone though I can't get her back." I crossed my arms and leaned on the pillar outside while waiting for Pinto to come back with his car.

"Have you apologized, or told your side? I think if she knew she would take you back."

"Nah she's not dumb. She'll probably just want this behind her and I do too. I am gonna do it though, not to get her back but so gets her apology cause she won't stop bitching about it."

I'm fine with her not wanting me back. I just don't want her to hate me.

can you call me?

Man i'm so fucking dumb. After two breakups you would think I'd learn to not be dumb but nope. Here's the third one.

After getting home I checked my phone again to see if she responded. It's almost midnight and she hasn't. I wonder if Mar knows what happened between us.

I flopped on my bed and scrolled through Instagram. I saw Vic was live with Avery so I joined.

Ig live

vic: me and avery are going to be sex slaves for harry styles guys sorry to crap on your wattpad dreams

avery: *laughing uncontrollably *

@mattapolibio has joined the live

@: this took a turn 💀

@: fighting king has entered the chat 😌

@: quick hide your face !!

@milleraiden: where do i sign up to be averys sex slave tho ..👀

@: ^ didn't he play her? NOW HE WANTS HER AAAHHAHA

@mattapolibio: same @ aiden

avery: i hate it here

vic: me too this is so bad oh my god

@mattiapolibio: avery pls text me back :(

avery: um i have you blocked but i'll unblock you for a sec

@: unstanning if avery takes him back they've through hell and should just stop

@: what color is texas

I left the live and waited for Averys text which took almost an hour. It feels weird not having anyone to text.

5 mins .

I thought of everything I wanted to say and called her.

a: h-

m: i want to apologize and let you know that i would never put a finger on you had i been sober. when people are drunk they have no control over what they say or do but i'm not making excuses for myself. I love you so much and i think i always will. i'm fine if you want to stay single and not take me back, i understand that. but there's also some things you don't know about that night. i woke up remembering everything.

a: okay? go on..

m: the people i was drinking with kept feeding me these lies and i don't know why but i let it get to me and i'm sorry. i'm truly sorry i bruised your beautiful face. you don't deserve me.

a: wow so if i fed you lies would you believe them? and i wanna know what the fuck they gave you to drink. they probably roofied you mattia. because other times where you were drunk you wouldn't even let me pick you up because you were waiting for you girlfriend when i was her the whole time. you were never like that when we drank together so i wanna know what was going on? but also you're right, i don't want to get back together with you, i told you this already. I don't want to be with you. you had one chance. but thank you for your apology. I want nothing to do with you. i guess we can stay friends to not breakup the friend group too and not make them pick sides

m: kairi is already on your side anyway so no need to say that

a: i'm sorry but i didn't make him do that. he made that decision on his own

m: mhm

a: are you saying i made him pick sides?

m: maybe

a: you're a child. literally

m: he was my best friend avery.

a: and it's not my fault he left you!

m: he follows everything you do. he's your
little puppet and you're just using him

a: what could i possibly be using him for? followers? sorry i got that on my own and not to suck my own dick, i have more than all of you combined. so no, i'm not using him and i would never, youre a sicko please delete my number.

m: i hate you

a: feelings mutual .

She hung up. That took a turn. I'm so mad I didn't know what to do. So I got up and did what I was good at. I changed into some soccer gear and went to the school field.

I ran around and kicked the ball myself letting my anger out on the ball.

"Fuck!" I threw my ball into the trees by the field and lost it. Didn't care about that ball anyway.

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