She was frozen on her spot feeling her hands shiver, and cheeks turning red in embarrassment remembering dadi ammi saw them, not able to meet eyes with her.

"Take a deep breath and calm yourself jaani. Your red cheeks are already making it too obvious for everyone to assume things."

He held her hand resting on her thigh giving it a gentle squeeze, giving her an encouraging smile ushering her to go to Sadia dadi who was waiting for her.

Nodding she she got up and stood before badi dadi and held her hands tightly getting nervous under dadi's gaze, waiting for her to speak.

"I always thought my sister in law is an amazing cook and no one could beat her in it but today you proved me wrong. The food you cooked is delicious, the best I have tasted in years."

Smiling she finished handing her a set of gold bangles as a gift which obviously Maria refused, but her one glare was enough to shut her up and accept them without any protest.

Heaving a sigh of relief she sat on her seat happily rolling her eyes at Osama who was now busy ravishing chicken tikka prepared by her.

"Yaar pehle bata deti apni is khoobi ke baare mein... Kasam se maza aa jata."

(You should have told us earlier about this talent of yours....It would have been great I swear.)

Osama complained without taking eyes off the food before him, busy admiring it.

"Batati to tab na jab mujhe khaana banana aata hota."

(Would have informed you only when I knew cooking.)

"WHAT!! You haven't prepared all this ?"

Osama whisper screamed in her ears, making her cringe her nose hearing his high pitched voice.

"Stop screaming inside my ears Osama. And yes, I have prepared all this so don't you dare say anything about it."

Taking a deep breath she continued, looking at Osama who was eager for her to explain further.

"Well, I used to work as a chef back in Mumbai."

"Woahhhh.... How ? I mean you didn't knew to cook before."

"I didn't. But then I took classes which Murat suggested and helped me to get trained under professional chefs, that too for hours without any breaks. I was promoted as a head chef before I came here....."

She smiled remembering the day when she was appointed as a head chef, making it one of the best days of her life.

"I am so proud of you biwi."

Mustafa smiled patting her back having shiny eyes indicating his happiness but all she could give him was a blank look remembering how difficult it was for her to cook making it the reason why she choose it as a profession at first place. She choose it because it kept her mind off everything. She choose it because it drained every ounce of her energy leaving her to sleep without getting the opportunity to think about him.

It was Aaqib Ahwaan's voice which pulled her out of her thoughts and look at him who was eager to announce something

"Well we cracked another major deal and I am hosting a small business gathering tommorow with close buisness partners, along with that I have decided to hold your reception too so that people will know that you both are married now."

They both nodded silently without opposing anything knowing the matter has been delayed for long and now it was high time for them to be introduced as a couple to the world.
Mustafa was happy that world will get to know about her being his but Maria on the other hand had neutral feelings knowing it was to be done sooner or later so there was no point delaying it.

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