28 - The one who snaps Dalexis is

Start from the beginning

Alexis' p.o.v

A week later I was walking through the hall way and I decided to go into Darren's office.

I'd never been in there and I thought maybe I should visit.

"Come in." I heard him say after knocking.

I came in to see the whole gang here. Apart from Fiona and Sean.

"What's everyone doing here?" I asked in confusion.

"We're still trying to solve the case of that incident of the chandelier. The one where you saved Dante and almost died." Hunter said.

"No kidding. That was so long ago. You're still at it?"

"Well the Deathsnake might have been in charge of every other situation but we can't put a finger to who caused what happened that day." Cam said.


"Well it's good that you're here. I'll be thrilled to inform you that I'll be having a 'meeting' with the press next time I meet them to tell them we aren't a thing. Yet." Dante said.


"Yet doesn't necessarily mean it will happen if you think of it."


"I don't think you've seen it but someone posted a picture of you two in the plane. Your almost kiss scene." Darren said.

"What?! How did anyone get their hands on that?!"

Ok this had gone too far. Someone from the inside was doing this and I was gonna find out.

"What matters now is to let the press know the truth.

"And by press I mean the underworld." Dante said concluding the topic.

In the afternoon as expected, the press came to Dante as he walked to his car outside the company asking him questions about his relationship life.

"Sky and I are not dating. Yet. Period."

He stormed off after that but obviously that wasn't enough for the press.

The underworlders were probably also watching it. 'They better believe this and stop trying to kill me along with Dante.'

Later that night, fans posted how they loved when Dante rejected me in front of the world.

He didn't reject me! At least he said yet.

Take hints people.

I won't deny I felt a little sad that they thought he rejected me.

The next day, I went to see Dante for something very confidential.

"We need to find out who's behind all this mumbo jumbo." I said as I stormed in.

"Way ahead of you. And stop fucking barging in!"

"Sorry." I walked to his table and stood beside him as he spoke.

"I've layed out some obvious facts. In every picture. The only one who would know our locations would be the fam."

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