Chap. 28

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Lila's P. O. V

A few years back-

I stood outside of the door, tears already threatening to fall. Right on the other side of the door were my so-called parents, arguing. I couldn't exactly hear what they were saying, but I knew their argument was about something horrible, and in the end someone was going to leave. I looked down at the picture I had in front of me. In that picture was my father, getting close to another woman. It wasn't just one though. There were multiple other pictures taken of my father cheating. After getting suspicious due to his strange behavior, Mother had called for a private investigator to investigate Father, and soon she had gotten the call, informing her that her very own husband was eating together with a woman. I just sat there, waiting for their argument to be done, so the door could finally be opened and they could tell me the results of their argument.

I could remember a few days ago, Father had tried getting me on his side by lying and telling me that it had been Mother who was actually cheating on him. I believed him at first, but when the pictures of him with other women started flooding in, I could do nothing at that moment but hate him so much, that it hurt. He didn't have to lie to me. . .but at the same time, it didn't matter what he did, I would have still hated him for hurting my mother.

Finally the door opened and Mother stepped out. I quickly stood up, heart pounding inside of my chest and I rushed over to her. "What happened?!" I demanded answers. I had held back the tears for so long, had been a good girl because they told me to, but now I couldn't stop it. They came streaming down like a waterfall, and I stepped forward, taking her hand. Suddenly, she slapped my hand away from hers, surprising me for a moment.

"Lila, your father and I are splitting. We've already filled the divorce paper." Okay, I knew that was going to happen, and I had told myself I would cry about it later on. But what about me? What was happening to me? "And I'm moving to another city. I can't stand being in the same city as that monstrous father of yours. It's already been decided."

I tried reaching for her hand again, but when she turned to start walking away, I stopped myself. "Can I. . .Can I come with you?!"

"What?! No! I don't want you!"

The way she had said it. The anger in her voice. I took a step back, shocked by her words. She was glaring at me, as if every single thing that had happened had been my fault. And maybe it had been, because her next words just proved it. "Ever since I gave birth to you, nothing but bad luck had been coming from right and left, all towards me! Maybe agreeing to make you was a huge mistake." She was now muttering to herself as she walked away, but even after she was gone from my sight, I couldn't forget the words she had spoken to me. They were her last words too, because after that, I never saw her again, and the next time I saw my father finally stepping out of his room, he had told me she was gone.

Ever since I gave birth to you. . .! It had all been because of you! I bent my head down as I allowed the tears to flow down from my eyes. It had all been because of you!


A year later-

I furiously opened the front door and scrammed out of the house, my father calling my name from behind me. I didn't listen to him; I didn't want to be in the same house as him and that horrendous woman. There was no way I was going to call her mom. Even though my past mother wasn't exactly the best, she would never hit me whenever she got mad. Just a few minutes ago, Catherine, or whatever her name was, had just gotten mad because I had said no to her. That gave her no right to slap me. Whenever my stupid father wasn't around, she'd boss me around like the evil witch she was, and whenever he returned back from work, she'd stop and try to act all sweet. I had tried telling him a few times to divorce this new woman he calls a wife, but he would never listen, getting me to hate him more. That trashy excuse for a father. I wasn't the only reason why Mother had left; he was part of the reason too!!

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