Chap. 15

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We reached our destination, and Alya walked inside first, holding the door for us. As we walked inside, we thanked her. When I came inside and said my thanks to Alya, I took a moment to take a look around. We had walked inside a restaurant — a restaurant that I had no idea existed at all. I can't believe I've been going to school back and forth, and I never stopped to look at this restaurant in the way. It was large too, and from where I was standing, I could smell all the delicious food they were cooking.

Well, in my defense, I'd never bothered about a restaurant in my entire life, because whenever I did a fantastic job, Father always chose a restaurant by himself as a way of telling me I did great. I never got to decide which restaurant we should go to, and all the restaurants he took me to were vegetarian. Father was a vegetarian, and although I enjoyed some foods I'd tried in some restaurants, they still did not smell as good as this restaurant itself.


I smiled as I turned around to face Marinette. She laughed a little before she pointed out in front of us. In front of us, Alya, Nino and Nathaniel were already walking towards a table.

"You've been standing in that spot for a while. Everything okay?" Lila asked, and it shocked me a little bit, because. . .since when did she ever care if I was okay or not? I know we're both in good terms now, because I gave her money, but I never thought it'd be enough for her to care, or joke around with me, or do anything best friends would do with each other.

"Yeah, I'm fine." Marinette took my hand again and started leading me towards the same table the others had sat at, with Lila following behind us. "Wow, you seem excited, Marinette."

Marinette laughed as she let go of my hand, and right there and then, I wish she hadn't. "To be honest, I haven't been to much restaurants, so I just have a feeling that with you here, things are going to be extra fun." She gave me a wink, and I blushed a little, wondering what she had meant by those words.

We took a seat at the table, and Nino started calling a waiter to come by. While we waited, we took out our school works. I took out a paper and a pen; on the paper was a half-paged written bio about Marinette. I had started on it but hadn't got the chance to finish. I looked up at the others; Nathaniel didn't seem to care about his schoolwork and was instead drawing on his sketchbook, Alya and Nino were busy talking to each as Nino wrote down words on his paper, while Marinette had already started on hers, and Lila was just stretching, getting ready to start.

I came to believe that the only reason Nathaniel was in this group was because of Marinette. He didn't really talk much, nor did he even make eye contact with anyone; instead it was just his sketching book. If Marinette had never befriended him, I wonder whether he'd be friends with the others, or if he'd be sitting by himself at Lunchtime, scribbling down on his book. Well, it definitely didn't seem like he needed anyone as a friend, that was for sure.

"So, Adrien," Lila got me to turn around and face her. She was holding her pen in her hand, obviously wanting to ask me some questions before she started writing her biography. "Marinette told me a few things about you, but there are still some of my questions left unanswered." I nodded and smiled, telling her to carry on. "Well, first of all. . .have you ever had a crush on someone before?"

"Is that question really necessary?" Nathaniel spoke up, putting his pencil down. "You're writing a biography about his whole life, but there are some little details you don't have to mention!"

I kept my smile up. "Actually, I. . .I agree with Nathaniel." When I said that, he looked surprised at first, but then looked down with a huff. "You don't have to know about everything going on in my life." Especially the personal details.

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