Chap. 22

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I couldn't help the fact that Marinette still hadn't said anything to me, so I decided to take matters into my own hands. When she was sitting on her own, sorting out the pastries she had gotten, I walked up to her and took a seat right next to her. At first she looked surprised, but she didn't say anything either as she continued to do what she was doing. I tapped her on the shoulder to get her attention. When she didn't turn around, I continued to tap her shoulder. When she couldn't handle it anymore, she whirled around to face me. "What?!"

"Why are you so mad at me? Is it because I yelled at Lila earlier?" I gave her such an innocent look, and I could actually see guilt written all over face. She opened her mouth to say something, yet she shut it again without a word. "Did something happen between you and Lila?" I pretended not to know. "You didn't get mad at me when I shouted at her, so I thought maybe you were mad at her as well. You two aren't exactly talking to each other."

"Oh, it's. . ." She looked down at the ground, her face growing red. ". . .embarrassing." Her face fell sad again and I actually felt really bad. She was being played by Lila but had no idea. Instead she was over here, feeling bad over the fight she'd had with Lila. Lila on the other hand probably didn't even care. She liked the fact that Marinette was the only one feeling guilty, liked the fact that she was toying with her feelings and hadn't been stopped yet. Marinette let out a sigh, raising her head up and looking up at the sky. "I've just never fought with Lila before, especially over a guy, so this is a first."

"Over a guy?" I was pushing her to tell me everything so that way me as Adrien could know the situation as well, but maybe I was going too far. Marinette didn't really look like she wanted to talk about it at all.

"Yeah. . .she has a crush on his guy, but she thinks I'm in the way of them being together," Marinette responded, and I had to admit, she was so smart, being able to sort out her words without releasing much information about her argument with Lila.

"How are you in the way?"

"I don't think the guy is okay for her. I just don't want her to get hurt," Marinette pouted, looking away. "What if she goes to confess to him and he rejects her. Lila is very sensitive and is quick to break down. If her crush rejects her, think of how she's going to feel. Her heart will be broken, she might even go into depression, and plus. . .she's just. . .not going to be okay, so I'm worried. But she says I'm the reason why she's not together with him yet."

Yes Marinette, you're in the way of Lila getting together with me because I like you, not her! I sighed, thinking back to what she had said earlier. "I just don't want her hurt." Yeah, but she wants you to get hurt, and she doesn't care about how she's going to do it, just as long as you get hurt! I don't get it though. Marinette has been nothing but kind and sweet to her. Why would Lila want to go all the way and hurt her only friend?! I was bothered; everything about this situation was bothering me, especially with the fact that I was somewhat in the middle of it all. Why did Lila have to go and start developing a crush on me?! Maybe it was better when she just hated my guts. Maybe I should have skipped her when I made a list of the people I could befriend.

I looked up, looking straight at Lila, only to find her staring back at us. Marinette was staring at the ground though, so she didn't see her, but having to see and know the fact that Lila may have been staring at us secretly from the very beginning made me feel uncomfortable. I looked away from her when she looked away from us, and I looked over at Marinette. "Hey, have you ever went over the possibility that Lila may be. . .playing you?" I didn't want to ask, afraid of triggering Marinette, but I couldn't help it either.

Marinette stayed quiet for a few seconds, before sighing. "I do admit I got mad after Alya told me that Lila was faking her scar, but after a while, I started to doubt that Lila was being a truthful friend. I considered telling my parents this, but I'm afraid they're going to get mad at me for even coming up with such thought. I haven't really put much thought to it or gotten any proof that Lila may be playing me, but then again. . .why would Alya lie? Lila may be my number 1 friend, but Alya comes close after her, so I really don't see the reason why she would lie to me. And plus. . . I've seen the way Alya, Nino and Nathaniel look whenever Lila is around. It's like they're uncomfortable with her presence. They know something, yet they're not telling me!"

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