Chap. 14

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After the bell rang, I made my way out of class, not stopping even though Chloe was yelling behind me. I clenched my fists, hoping she's get the hint and stop shouting, but then her hand grabbed ahold of my arm and pulled me back. When I looked at her, she looked desperate and determined, and she held unto my arm with the look that told me she was never letting go unto I heard her out.

"What?!" I angrily exclaimed, tugging my arm and trying to escape from her grasp. "Here to cause more trouble, create more misunderstandings. Here to make my life worse in this school. Chloe, you've done enough!"

"I don't know where you heard that from, or who told you, but. . ." Chloe sighed, finally letting go of my arm. "I didn't tell everyone to not befriend you before you came to school. I told them to not cause you trouble, or get in your way, or treat you badly. I told them to make sure you didn't look at all sad, and if they couldn't do what I asked, that they should just stay away from you. I never meant to sound like a bad friend, and I do admit that I may have made it sound like that. . .but. . ." Chloe trailed off as she looked at my face, clearly searching for any look of relief or anger. "Would you really believe a random person over your own best friend?"

"It wasn't just a random person. It was Nathaniel!" I exclaimed, taking a step back. "He told me you said all that, and I believed him because. . .why in the world would he lie?"

"Why in the world would he also tell you that, trying to make me lose my best friend," Chloe looked angry now, and suddenly, I didn't know who to believe anymore. "I mean. . .I've noticed the way he looks at me. Nathaniel has always adored me. It wouldn't make sense that he would suddenly. . .go say something like that. Nathaniel. . . I've never done anything to him that's bad; I've never insulted him, made fun of him. . .I barely even talk to the guy. And besides!" Chloe pounded a fist against her palm. "Nathaniel wasn't even there when I told everyone those words."

"Well, he must have heard it from someone else," I turned around to leave, but Chloe grabbed my arm again, pulling me back.

"Please, Adrien. You're literally the only one I have. I mean Sabrina's great and all, but the girl never makes an opinion. Whenever I ask her what she thinks of something, she always says 'it doesn't matter what I think Chloe, just as long as you like it.'" Chloe sighed. "I want a friend who has her own opinion, not a friend who would say things just to make me feel happy about myself. And. . .you're literally the only guy who can. . .do that."

I paused for a second, taking in what Chloe had just told me. Yes, her words sounded believable, but I was also having doubts. Why would Nathaniel lie to me, or tell me something he wasn't so sure of? That's when something else came to my mind. "What about Lila?!"


"Did you or did to not bully Lila in middle school?!"

"Lila?!" Chloe looked disgusted, before she shrugged. "I mean, I wouldn't exactly consider myself as her bully. We hated each other's guts, we fought all the time and most of the time, she made the first move. She was the one who started it all anyway by moving my seat before I could sit down, my butt ending up on the floor."

I was surprised. "She did that?"

Chloe nodded. "After she did that, I felt embarrassed, so I decided to get back at her. After pulling my stunt on her, things got more physical and harmful. She one day told me that she despised all rich people, and one day even admitted to me that she used to have a rich friend who later stabbed her in the back. I figured that was why she hated me so much then. But after moving to this school, I never even bothered to talk to her, or to even look at her."

I was about to say something when I noticed a certain someone leaning against the wall behind Chloe, just chilling on her phone. I smiled a little, but turned back to Chloe, deciding to deal with the blonde first. "Listen, I'll look into this more. Not that I don't believe you, but I don't want my school life to be filled with so much drama and whatnot. I don't want to be surrounded by fake friends, so I need to see who's the liar and who's actually telling the truth."

SLOWLY FALLING FOR YOU (α∂яιєηєттє)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora