Chap. 21

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Chloe's P. O. V

1 day ago-

I could hear footsteps walking closer to my bedroom, and I knew it was Father. The door opened and he walked inside. He didn't exactly look happy, but I noticed that he was holding some sort of card in his hand. He walked up to me, and without a smile, he placed the card on my desk. He let out a sigh, "you. . . might want to look at that."

I noticed the way he looked tired, his eyes so small and red. I opened my mouth to say something, but all that came out was a squeak. Looking down at the floor, I listened as his footsteps walked away from me, left my bedroom and slowly died away. It was silent in the room. It always had been, after all, Adrien was the only one who could actually make me feel alive again. Father wouldn't let anyone inside of his room, but I could always imagine him crying before going to sleep.

Adrien, where are you? You were supposed to be here! I sniffed, forcing myself not to cry. Not now, not ever. I leaned in forward and picked up the card. On the front of it, it said in bold letters, "YOU'RE INVITED!" Sighing, I opened the card up and read what it said on the inside.

"Chloe Bourgeois,
You've been invited to the wedding of Audrey Bourgeois and Anthony Boucher.

Date: Upcoming Monday
Time: 5:30 P.M.
Place: Eiffel Tower

We hope you can make it.

I couldn't believe my eyes. After everything. . . I started tearing the card into pieces, anger boiling inside of me. After everything you've done, you have the guts to invite me to your stupid wedding! I tried not to lose it, but I couldn't help it and pounded a fist against my desk, pain slowly rushing in. This must mean that Father and her have officially divorced. When though?! How come they never told me about it! I sniffed again, wiping my eyes. I hate her! I hate her so much! She's the definition of a garbage mother!


I looked back at the torn apart card, but I still remembered everything it had said. Place: Eiffel Tower! That's in Paris! Does that mean. . . My heart started beating faster as I walked over to my bed. My mother was coming back to Paris, but she was only coming back for her wedding, which meant she was probably going back to wherever the heck she came from after the wedding was over.

It's been years since I've seen her, and when I saw the picture of what she looks like now, she looked absolutely different from when I saw her in person. Would she even remember me? I hugged myself, as if that was going to give me comfort. It didn't help at all. Adrien had already been the one to give me comfort, even if it was just through his words. I looked over at where my phone was. Should I call him? I bit the inside of my mouth hard and turned away from my phone. "Nah," I chuckled to myself. "He probably finds me annoying. I best not annoy him almost to the point that he wants to leave me."

The fact that I couldn't sleep hurt. Sleep had always been a way of getting my head out of the real world, even if it was just for a few hours. While sleeping, I dreamt of other things that were much more sweeter than reality. . . like that one dream where Adrien confessed to me- I groaned again. Stop thinking about him. He's got Marinette now! He probably really likes her and is spending time with her right now. They're probably doing all of those lovey dovey stuff.

Finally not being able to take it, I opened up my drawer, and the first thing that caught my eyes was a picture. I took it out and stared at it. It was a picture of my class from middle school. I had told myself to burn it, yet never got the chance to because I had always busy beating myself up for my mother leaving. I stared at the picture, my eyes immediately going over to Lila, who sat in the front, smiling at the camera.

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