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The first thing Lisa notices as she cracks an eye open is the moonlight filtering in through the open curtains. It's a cold and soft light, making the already sparse colors of her bedroom float to her in an array of greys. Sleep clings to her as she vaguely remembers how heavy the snow clouds had looked when she was standing on BamBam's balcony, and the memory makes the sheets feel even softer around her.

The second thing she notices is how warm she is. More often than not, she wakes up shivering and covered in a thin layer of cold sweat, even on summer days. Her gaze finds the ceiling as she turns her head, trying to pinpoint what woke her up. She remembers falling asleep on her side instead of her usual position - on her back, arms straight at her side - with Chaeyoung curled up around her. As her foggy mind takes an inventory of her own body, she feels a heavy arm thrown across her midsection and she realizes Chaeyoung is still very much wrapped around her. Who'd guess Chaeyoung could be a cuddling machine?


Flashes from earlier hours fill her mind, memories fresh enough to cut. Her chest aches when she sees herself open and raw, spilling everything she's bottled up for almost a decade - she had told that story exactly once before, when she attempted therapy, but soon found out it was much more painful than simply pushing it away. The ache becomes a hand slowly but firmly squeezing her heart at the pictures her mind had formed when Chaeyoung disclosed her own past - losing both parents, her life touched by death and betrayal at such an early age, being forced to grow up decades in a few weeks so she could feed herself and keep a roof over her head.

They both have monsters to fight each day when they look at themselves in the mirror, and each night when the monsters find their way to their dreams.

Ever since they started this endeavour, Lisa has been waking up with a jolt, the last frame of her most recent nightmare stuck behind her eyelids - more often than not, it was Irene's face; more often than not, she could barely recognize it through all the blood and open wounds.

But that's not what woke her up this time.

And she can't quite pinpoint it at first. Breathing in and barely resisting the urge to stretch her hands over her head, Lisa catches Chaeyoung's scent - watermelon shampoo and sleep, a combination that fits Chaeyoung beyond words -, a few stray hairs making her exhale quickly to keep them from going up her nostrils. Blinking the sleep from her eyes, a task that proves to be much more difficult than she supposed it would be, Lisa feels lips sucking against her pulse point a second before a tongue peeks out, soothing the aching spot and tracing a path up her neck.


When she finally finds it in her to move, Lisa reaches out for Chaeyoung's hair, tangling her fingers in the golden curls as she turns slightly to her side. Her other arm is trapped under Chaeyoung's shoulder, but the tingling sensation can't overwhelm how good it feels to be woken up by teeth pulling gently at the skin of her jaw.

Chaeyoung leans on her elbow, lifting herself slightly to look at Lisa , smiling as her hand reaches under Lisa's top. As her fingertips traces odd patterns on her skin, Lisa lets out an embarrassingly shaky sigh - she's weak and she can't focus enough to pretend she's not with sleep clouding her judgment. Chaeyoung's hand slide up further, cupping one breast as gently and slowly as Lisa could imagine, kissing her jaw before whispering, "Is this okay?"

"Mm-hm," is all Lisa can muster, and even then it comes out uneven. Chaeyoung's nails rake the sensitive skin, raising goosebumps as she gives attention to both breasts, her eyes never leaving Lisa's hooded ones.

Oh, what a lovely way to wake up.

Between breathy sighs and head tipping back in pleasure, Lisa studies Chaeyoung in a way that feels more like a reverence than a simple gaze between lovers. Her blonde curls fall forward and curtains her face, despite Lisa's constant efforts to keep said curls behind her ear - it's like, much like Chaeyoung, her curls won't be commanded. Lisa lets her eyes travel from the deep neck of her button-up pajama top that reveals Chaeyoung's cleavage in its most glorious angle to the dip of her collarbone, to how her mouth hangs slightly open, the tip of her tongue pressing against her cuspid tooth as if she's concentrating very hard on something.

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