Chapter Nine

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Warning! This chapter may contain mentions of abuse, violence, etc.

Time passed slowly, they were scared. Scared of what was going to happen. They didn't know how it would turn out, but they knew that lots of people would die. The group didn't talk much, they just held eachother close, cherishing every moment they still have togethers, as if they were their last. Each enjoying the warmth from the other, each stuck with their thoughts, unable to turn them off. Memories flashing through their minds, yet not one of them dared to speak about it. It was a silent rule, the past is kept to themselves. One had an easier past than the other, but each past, hard of their own. But the past will always be a part of them. Most of the group have been together for most of it, but two have spent most of it alone. Life has been unfair, hard and if you asked them they might say horrible, but they haven't given up the fight, they weren't going down just yet, one final fight to try and right the wrong doing of the humans. One final fight that was going to decide it all.


He was all alone, no one around him. His body hurt, it felt like it was on fire. Even if everything hurt, he continued running. It was what he has been doing for so long. He used to hide away with his parents, they loved him and cared for him. There was a nice lady who gave them food and made sure no one found them. He was felt safe as long as they were there. Until that one horrible day. That one day changed everything. They were just waiting for the nice lady to give them a little food, he was just holding onto them, enjoying their warmth. As suddenly a deafening scream was heard. The little family was immediaty alarmed. The voice was familiar to them. It was the nice lady who was protecting them. It could only mean one thing. They found them. This was it, this was their end. Minutes passed in utter silence as there was no way out of their hiding place except for the entrance. Men in uniform, with guns yelled at them. Screaming curse words at them. The little family huddled together as guns poked into their backs. ''And you thought you could hide yourself. Pathetic little monsters.'' The little cat hissed at them, resulting in more guns held against his body. ''One move or sound and you're dead.'' His ears lowered and tears gathered in his eyes. This is not how he wanted to die. A man, who seemed in charge of this all stepped forward with a sickening grin on his face. The smell that came from him made the cats want to scrunch up their noses and throw up. The man came closer, grabbing their faces as if inspecting them, turning their heads sharply to the left and to the right, squeezing their jaws, forcing them to open their mouths. ''They seem good for the industry.'' The man seemed to think for a moment before saying the next words that made his heart pound louder than ever before. ''Undress them.'' Tears spilled down his face as the men roughly stripped him off his clothes, ripping everything he wore, what wasn't much in the first place, from his body. ''Pathetic.'' The man behind him said. Suddenly a woman emerged from between the men, the way they drifted apart for her, made it seem like she was of important satus in the human world. '''What a good find.'' The woman smiled at the men around her as she inspected the hybrids infront of her. ''The adults seem good enough for the sex industry, but do seperate them and give the male something that would trigger heats.'' Her eyes wandered over his little body and then shook her head. ''This little kid is worthless, just kill him.'' Those words were what changed his life for good, it was what made him wish they actually killed him, just ended his life so he didn't have to live in this hellhole. His parents started screaming and yelling, fighting the men with the big guns, just to try and save their son's life. ''Run Yoongi!'' His mom screamed, but his legs didn't react. His body was frozen as he watched his parents being tied down, face bloody and bones broken. From the corner of his eye he saw the woman roll her eyes and sigh. ''Go have fun with them, they're useless now anyway. Kill them when you're done'' He seemed invisible to the people around him it seemed, all too busy looking at his parents like they are their prey. Gagged, bound, bloodied and naked. He wish he didn't have to see this, he wanted to run like his mother told him to, but why couldn't he? Why wouldn't his body listen? His eyes widened in horror as he saw those humans touching his mother in places they shouldn't be allowed to touch. Their eyes met and that was all his body needed to start running. He slipped his way between the humans, through the entrance and he started running, running like no tomorrow. He heard them yell. He eventually heard the gunshots. But he kept running till he passed out. He was only eight at that time, but running is all he knew since then. Running and fighting.
He had to survive.
For his parents.


Gone were his parents, they left him. They just left him on this awful planet', all by himself. Why didn't they take him? Questions raced through his minds. He didn't know if he should be happy they didn't take him or not. He was a predator hybrid, they would sell him for a lot of money. He's vulnerable all by himself, yet he could be stronger like this. Be more one with the animal side of him. ''He's here!'' He heard people shout. His ears twitched and his body started moving on his own. No, they wouldn't catch him. They killed his parents, took them away from him. They're not going to take him too. He ran, but they were with more. They closed in on him, and suddenly he was surrounded by them. The workers of the pound, taking and killing unowned hybrids. He growled lowly at them, warning them to not take a step closer. ''Calm down little wolf.'' He growled louder. The men came closer, it was then that he really connected with his animal side. Feeling his claws and fangs grow, he strated clawing at the men around him, trying to hurt as many of them. They killed his parents, so they had to pay. The men screamed and shot at him , yet not hitting their target. Something pierced his skin and he stopped shortly to look at it. His eyesight becoming slighty hazy, but he could make out the little dart in his upperarm. He looked up at the man who shot it and he grinned. That was the last thing he could make out before his vision turned black and his body hit the floor

His life turned so much worse. They made him fight, he had to win or else he would get tortured for the next few days. They starved him, punished him and trained him. He became their warrior, their little trophy in the fighting rings. He human side becoming less and less visible as the years passed, he was a teen when they enslaved him, it had been years and he couldn't escape. He tried so many times, each time brought him closer to his death. It was that one day, that day that they made him fight against a kid, that resulted in him going on a rampage. The kid couldn't be older than when he started. The kids was skinny and beaten, barely able to keep himself standing. It would be an easy fight, but not a fight that he would fight. No, he couldn't. Many who suffered the same cruel fate as him broke free when they put them in the ring. They weren't going to let the little kid be slaughtered. He wasn't going to fight, he would take the beating. Shots rang through the building as humans shot their warriors. The kid infront of him fell to the floor, blood seeping through the thin shirt they made him wear. Then all he could see was red. He was angry, infuriated. This has gone too long. The fighting cage opened and he lost it. He didn't remember it all that clearly, but he knew he killed them. He knew that he killed every last one of those pieces of shit. And so his loner life started, but he was not going to give up. His name, Kim Namjoon, that one hybrid that would go down as a mass murderer for mankind, a hero for his kind.

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