Chapter Three

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Two hybrids were tied up in a room. They didn't know eachother. They were staring at eachother, trying to figure out if they could trust eachother. The two were captured by their own kind. Sometimes, if you have bad luck, you stumble across some cruel, homeles hybrids. Some hybrids lost their minds. Because of the fact that their former owner treated them so bad that something cracked inside of them. But there are also some homeless hybrids who lost their sanity because they're homeless as long as they can remember and they had no one around them. The two captured hybrids are one of the few homeless who didn't lose their minds. The question is, if that's a good thing or not. Sometimes it's better to be crazy if you live on the streets. One of the two captured hybrids looked like he already took a beating and had been there for some time already. The other one just woke up with a pounding head and blood on the side of his head. ''What's your name?'' The just captured hybrid asked. The other just stared at him. No emotions were seen in his eyes. He just hissed at him with a low volume. Suddenly the door in the room slammed open, causing both hybrids to flinch. Another hybrid entered the room with a evil smirk. The hybrid was covered in bruises and scars. A part of his left ear was missing and multiple parts of his tail were wounded or missing. A few tattoos were seen on his body. It was clear that this hybrid was up to no good and lost his mind a long time ago. The guy looked kinda like a some dog hybrid, but it was hard to see what kind of hybrid it was because of all the scars and the fact that his tail and left ear were damaged. He chuckled and walked closer to them. One of the two wanting to hide, but he was not able to because of the rope that tied him up to the chair. ''Hello sweeties.'' The man said. It only earned him a low growl and a hiss. ''Don't worry, we're just going to have some fun.'' The man gave them an evil smirk. ''I think the little kitten know what I'm going to do.'' It earned the man a hiss. The man just shook his head with a smile plastered. ''I thought you knew that you should never hiss to me.'' Suddenly the kitten gulped and looked scared out of it's mind. The man made fists and hit the kitten full in it's face. The kitten now facing the other hybrid. ''My name is Yoongi.'' He whispered. ''Please, get us out of here.'' The other hybrid nodded. The kitten named Yoongi recieved another punch in the face. He let out a small grunt of pain. He didn't know how long he was locked up and tied up. He only knew that he made a stupid mistake and that this was his punishment. Suddenly the man was called and he left the room. Yoongi started to fight the ropes. He knew it was useless, but he tried anyway. A cough made him stop in his moves. For a moment he looked around terrified, but to his relief it was just the hybrid next to him. He stood up, the kitten looking at him speechless. He showed he claws and pointed at the rope. Yoongi mentioned deseperate to the ropes around his wrists and ankles. The hybrid didn't hesitate and destroyed the ropes around the wrists of the kitten and also the ones around his ankles. ''My name is Namjoon by the way.'' Yoongi nodded. ''I know the way out. Please question it later. For now we have to run if we want to live.'' Again he nodded and the two kicked the door open and started to run. Namjoon holding Yoongi's wrist so he knew that the cat would stay by his side. It didn't took long before the other hybrids found out that they escaped. Soon the two had a lot of hybrids behind them. All wanting them dead and they probably wanted their head for on the wall. The two suddenly got tackled. Both of them hitting the ground with a loud thud. ''You thought you could escape?!'' A voice roared. A growl erupted from Namjoon's throat. ''I'm feeling so not intimidated by you, you little wolf.'' A louder growl was heard. ''Do you really think you stand a chance against this army?'' Namjoon lunged at the leader, ready to rip out his throat or heart. He didn't care. He just wanted to be free. ''I'd like to try.'' He spat. The leader ducked away with easiness. No words were spoken after that. Just a silence for a couple of minutes before all hell broke loose. Namjoon and Yoongi fighting with all their energy and power. Slashing everyone with their claws. Not knowing if someone died or not. Neither did they care if one of those hybrids died. Bodies were spread on the floor, but the two hybrid were still standing. Bruised and bleeding, but standing and fighting. It took them a lot of effort and energy to create a small path. They took the chance and ran. They ran with all the energy they had left and more. A few hybrids following them, but when they left the warehouse they were in the hybrids stopped following them. The two kept running and running till they thought they were at a safe distance. Both boys collapsed on the ground, panting heavily. Multiple gunshots were heard and the two shot up, still panting. ''Look, hybrids.'' A voice said and a feeling of panic settled inside the two hybrids. ''Should we just shoot them? They're useless anyway.'' The eyes of the two widened and they started running again. ''You faggots!'' And another gunshots was heard, but this time a grunt and yell of pain was heard. Yoongi was hit by the bullet. Pain and panic was seen on his face while he clutched his leg. Namjoon hesitated a little before helping Yoongi up. The kitten protested and yelled because of the pain, but he kept going. ''Get on my back.'' He heard the humans getting closer with each second they wasted. Yoongi didn't even hesitate and jumped with another yell of pain on Namjoon's back. Namjoon started running. No more seconds were wasted. Just the wolf hybrid running with a cat hybrid on his back. Just escaping from the humans. After what felt like an eternity, the wolf hybrid heard the humans giving up. He kept running a small distance and dropped to the ground, trying to catch his breath again. ''Namjoon.'' Yoongi said in a small voice. He didn't get an answer, the wolf hybrid was too busy trying to catch his breath. ''Look, an abandoned house.'' Namjoon looked up, still gasping for air. He smiled softly. ''Well, let's treat your wound first and then let's rest. It seems like we got a place to stay the night.''

Fighting For Our Place - BTS Hybrid AUWhere stories live. Discover now