Chapter Six

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It was early in the morning and all the hybrids were already up. The wounded ones laid on an old couch that could break down any minute. The ones who weren't wounded made themselves ready for a day to collect food and stuff to repair the house. Not all of them are in such a good shape, but you have to do what you have to do as a hybrid. This will be a tough time for all of them. But once they have settled down, life will become a little easier for them. At least that's what they hope. ''Yoongi, Taehyung and Jungkook, you guys will stay here and rest. We don't want the wounds to get worse. Hoseok and Jimin, we are going to look for some food and some stuff to repair the house and Jin, you'll stay here to take care of their wounds.'' All the boys nodded. The ones forced to stay in the house were a little annoyed. ''I can take care of myself perfectly fine.'' Yoongi mumbled and rolled his eyes. ''I know you can and I know you did for years, just like me, but we're a group now and we have to help eachother. You're not alone anymore.'' Namjoon told him. The cat hybrid hissed lowly, clearly not agreeing with the wolf. ''You have no idea what I went through and you have no damn right to just say I have to deal with this shit.'' His ears were flat on his head and his tail was swirling furiously. ''It's true that I don't know, but give this a chance. You don't have to be in this alone. Not anymore.'' Yoongi huffed, but didn't say anything. ''Hoseok, Jimin, let's go.'' The two boys stood up ready to follow Namjoon. ''We'll be back before sunset.'' With that, the three boys left the house, into the forest. As soon as the door closed, Yoongi turned to the small group of hybrids with a scowl on his face. ''I'm in that room, don't you dare to fucking bother me.'' His small cat ears were flat on his head. He pushed the youngest and eldest away to make his way to the room he just pointed at. But the eldest grabbed his wrist. ''I don't think so.'' It only pissed the cat off, his tail flicking from side to side wildly. ''I know you don't like us, but we all have a past we don't like to talk about. Everyone has trust issues, but we're willing to try. And you should try too. Now let me clean that wound and then we will stay all together in this room.'' Yoongi hissed and his tail was now flicking like a mad man. The little bunny started shaking. ''H-hyung, i-is he g-gonna hurt u-us?'' The youngest said between choked sobs. He was scared because the way Yoongi acted made him think of those horrible humans. The tiger hybrid took the younger in a side hug, making him flinch away and he started shaking uncontrollable. When Yoongi looked at the terrified bunny his whole posture changed and his facial expression softened. He took slow steps to the younger, but Jin held him back. ''Don't you dare to hurt my little bunny.'' His tail flicking in a warning way. The cat took a step back and the fox kneeled down in front of the bunny. ''Jungkookie.'' He said in a soft tone. The younger looked up with tear stained cheeks and puffy eyes that showed the fear he was feeling. ''No one is going to hurt you anymore. I'll make sure of that.'' Jungkook looked into the eyes of his hyung and nodded. He crawled into the arms of the elder to feel safe. It's one of the few places he feels safe. He stayed finally calmed down and fell asleep. Jin picked up the sleeping figure and carefuly placed him on the couch. With a fast move, he turned around and looked at Yoongi with a deadly glare. Yoongi didn't want to admit it, but he was feeling kind intimidated. ''You're going to apologise to him.'' He just nodded, he kinda felt guilty anyway. He didn't want to scare the little bunny, it's just that the anger got the best of him. He's not used being around people who want to help. ''Now let me look at that wound of yours.'' Hesitatingly, he followed the elder. Jin grabbed the necessary stuff he needed and started cleaning Yoongi's wound. The cat hybrid hissed every now and then because of the pain, but didn't say anything. ''Done. Now send the tiger hybrid here please and if Jungkook is awake you know what to do.'' Yoongi mumbled some curse words under his breath and his tail was flicking angrily, but he nodded anyway. He hated being told what to do. He has been alone for so many years, no one ever told him what to do. ''Your turn tiger.'' He said in a annoyed tone when he entered the room again. Taehyung huffed and made his way to Jin. Yoongi looked at the couch and saw that Jungkook was already awake. ''You took a quick nap.'' The younger's head snapped to the way he heard the voice and his eyes widened. ''Don't worry, I won't hurt you.'' It didn't help one bit he realized when he looked into his eyes, seeing that the younger was terrified. ''I didn't mean to scare you.'' Yoongi saw that he actually scared him even more. He frowned at his reaction and suddenly it clicked. ''You were owned, weren't you?'' He said in a soft tone full of pity. Jungkook nodded and tears threatened to leave his eyes once again. ''Did they say the same things as I just did?'' Again he nodded. ''I'm sorry, I didn't know that.'' Jungkook took a shaky breath. ''You couldn't know.'' He said with a shaky voice. ''Jin hyung is ready to treat your wound, Jungkook.'' Taehyung suddenly said, making the younger jump a little in a surprise and the elder hiss. ''You know that you hiss a lot.'' Yoongi just rolled his eyes. ''Maybe it will scare you away one day.''
''No need to be so rude.''
''Use some respect you little tiger.'' He said between gritted teeth. Taehyung rolled his eyes and placed himself on the couch since the youngest of everyone already ran off to Jin. The two kept silence and a thick feeling was felt around them even when the youngest and eldest returned into the room. ''And now we wait until the rest arrives, I guess.''

The door swung open and three hybrids entered the room, arms filled with wood, food and a few blankets. They got confused when they saw all of them laughing. ''I see you guys have fun.'' All their head snapped to the three hybrids in the doorway. ''Where did you find the blankets?'' Jin asked them. ''Somewhere in the Woods.'' Namjoon shrugged. ''We got some food for tonight, but we to look for more tomorrow.'' The other two nodded. Hoseok brought the food to the kitchen and Jimin dropped the wood in the corner of the room. ''We can use the wood to do some repairs. But for now, let's eat.'' Everyone stromed into the kitchen. ''We need to save some for tomorrow morning.'' All the hybrids groaned, but nodded anyway. Jin devided the food and every hybrid got enough food to fill the emptiness of their stomachs, but not enough to stop the hunger. ''I guess we should sleep and see what will happen tomorrow.'' All of them agreed and laid on their new blanket, Hoseok and Taehyung sharing one and Jimin and Jin sharing one as there were not enough blankets for everyone. It didn't take long for everyone to fall asleep. Some slept peacefully and others slept restless because of their past haunting them in their sleep. At least they were all sleeping most of their pains away, hoping for their pain to be gone the next day.

Fighting For Our Place - BTS Hybrid AUWhere stories live. Discover now