Chapter Seven

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This chapter may contain mentions of abuse, violence or etc.

Weeks passed and they fell into a routine. Three of them went out to hunt, sometimes even four, and the other four took the time to heal and after they were healed they started repairing the house. They were barely surviving, but the point is they were. Barely enough food to get through the day, the broken, abandoned building that didn't really protect them and the sleepless nights. Yet was more than any of them ever hard. They became closer, slowly becoming a group of hybrids that would stand together no matter what. They didn't talk about the past, as it is too painful to remember, to terrifying. The memories would haunt them at night, they don't want them to haunt them during the day too. Surviving was their main priority, the rest came second. They had no time to worry about the little things, as long as they lived to see the next day. The constant fear of being found by humans was looming over them and always had them on edge. 

It couldn't have been more than three months where they fixed the house to the point that they were a little warm during the night. They found ways to store their food as winter was coming up and it was starting to get colder and it was harder to find food for all seven of them. All of them huddled together as the sun went down, scarving down the little food they had for today. They were shivering, it was cold and they barely had something to keep the warm, they had little clothes that have been worn out from wearing it all the time, a fire was not an option as it would draw too much attention to them and the risk of setting the little house on fire was also there. The three youngest cried, they were just so cold and hungry. Their elders tried to calm them down, but they couldn't do much, they were cold and hungry too. A sudden shout immediatly made the youngers silence their sounds and had everyone on alert. Namjoon stood up silently making his way to the door, getting panicked looks from the rest. He shook his head at them, trying to listen to the sounds from outside. Another scream was heard, making the hybrids flinch. ''You worthless piece of shit!'' A voice reached their ears and then a shot was heard. Absolute silence was all that was left after that shot. Minutes passed, no one dared to move or talk. The silence was tense, all of them guessing what happened, but deep down they already knew what happened. ''I am going out.'' Namjoon said softly, the other six looked at him in shock, shaking their head wildly. ''I need to know.'' Jin stood up too, making his way to their unofficial leader. ''I'll join you.'' The five looked at the two with fear in their eyes, they had become so close in such a little time, they didn't want to lose them too. Who knows, maybe that human was still out there. ''We'll be careful, we will come back. Trust us.'' Namjoon said, it did little to calm down their nerves, but they let them leave anyway. The duo made their way to where they thought the sound came from when suddenly the smell of blood hit their nose. They fastened their pace, paying attention to their surroundings, making sure nothing out of the ordinary was taking place. The scent got stronger and the two gasped at the sight in front of them. It was a hybrid, shot in the chest, barely breathing and left for dead. The two rushed to his side. ''Help.'' The hybrid weakly whispered. They wanted to help him, but he had no chance of surviving, he had bled out too much. All they could do was stay by his side, and make his suffering less painful. Jin carefully grabbed his hand and weakly smiled at him. ''Hey, we're here. You're not alone.'' The hybrid weakly squeezed his hand back and softly smiled as he cried. ''It's okay, you're suffering will be over soon.'' The fox hybrid said as he stroked the dying hybrids ears, making him sigh in relief. He knew he wouldn't make it, but at least he wasn't going to die alone. Finally he could leave this shitty earth. ''We will make them pay.'' Namjoon said softly to the hybrid. A final smile and very soft, almost inaudibly 'thank you' was heard from the hybrid as he let out his final breath. Jin let out a soft sob, crying for the poor hybrid who didn't deserve to die like this. No one did. A hand was placed on his shoulder and he heard a sigh. ''Let's bury him, that's the least he deserves.''Jin nodded and the two started digging a hole for the hybrid. It felt like an eternity, but in the end they deemed the whole deep enough. Slowly and carefully, they picked the hybrid up and put him in the freshly digged hole. As they finished the grave, they found a couple of stones and put them on top of the freshly digged up the ground. ''We will take revenge.'' Namjoon said softly as he put the final stone on it. The two hybrids getting ready to make their way back to the others, they would probably be scared that something has happened to them. 

As soon as the two entered the little house, they were engulfed into a big group hug. No words were spoken, just the hug told them enough. They soon made their way back to their little blankets, or what was left of it. It was silent, no one really daring to speak. ''What happened?'' Jungkook asked softly, all eyes now on him. Jin let out a soft sigh. ''I think we all know what happened.'' He said softly. A series of growls was heard around the room. ''Those bastards killed a hybrid, didn't they?'' Yoongi growled darkly. The two just sighed and nodded. Not much was spoken after that, they all were angry how the humans treated them, they were not going to sit still any longer. They didn't care if they died doing this, they didn't care about anything, except one thing.

''Let's start a revolution.''

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