"okay let's bounce," i whisper.

"wait," she tugs on my arm. "i forgot my laptop charger in my room. i have to go in and get it."

i roll my eyes. "just borrow mine. we've gotta go."

"no," she says. "i need it."

i grumble, but she fumbles with her apartment key and opens the door slowly.

"wait," she says. "that happened too quickly. usually i have to jam it in there a couple times."

"that's what she said," i blurt awkwardly.

she rolls her eyes, and swiftly pulls her hair back and crouches down to inspect the lock.

after a couple minutes, she stands back up.

"it's been picked," she says, eyes wide.

"what?" i ask. "h-how?"

"i-i don't know," she stutters. "there's scuff marks around the solid brass, and the captured cylinder is bent, and the latch bolt and throw deadbolt..." she trails off quietly.

"i don't know what you're saying. english, please."

"he picked the lock!" she yells out of frustration.

"is anything taken?"

she looks at me swiftly. "i don't know, dumbass. i haven't been in there yet."

i ignore her name-calling and stick my head in the door.

"i have to go look around—" she starts, trying to push past me.

i hold her back by my arm. "no. what if he never left?"

she scoffs, trying to push my arm away. "relax. i'm fine."

"what if you get hurt?"

she meets my eyes. "like you'd care," she answers angrily.

"i would."

the easy flow of the words out of my mouth surprise us both, making my grip on her loosen. she uses it to her advantage and wiggles out of my grasp.

"i'm fine," she says coldly, now avoiding my eyes.


"no, ethan," she cuts me off. "let me do this. the probability that he's even the person that picked the lock is very, very low."

i don't argue anymore and let her push past me into the apartment.

she looks around closely, and eventually wanders down a hallway.

i stay in the kitchen, keeping my eyes open and looking sharply around the place.

"hey, are you okay?" i call out after a couple minutes.

"yes, ethan," her voice is humorous. "i'm fine—"

her words are suddenly cut off by an ear splitting scream, and my blood runs cold as i sprint down the hallway.

i whip my head back and forth, trying to find what room she's in. the adrenaline pumps through my veins as i swing open a door i recognize to be her's.

and she's laughing.

she's sitting on her bed. laughing.

i let out a big breath, reaching up to tug at my hair as i do a slow 360° turn to calm my nerves.

"you fell for it," she giggles.

"yes, you asshole," i swear angrily at her. "don't do that."

"were you scared?"

"no," i lie. "i just thought that... i don't know."

"that i got hurt?"

i stick my tongue on the side of my cheek, looking anywhere but at her, shaking my head slowly.

"yes, okay?" i admit. "it's a normal human instinct to run when you hear screams."

"relax," she smiles. "i was just teasing."

she stands up, and as she walks out the doorway, she brushes her shoulder against mine.

i stand there for a couple seconds, confused and slightly disoriented.

she pops her her head back in. "well? you coming?"

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