Lunch A

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What do you say in these kinds of situations? I don't want him to feel bad, but I wanted him to smile. Why do I want that?

"You're not a weirdo, I don't have many friends, that's right and I'm horrible at talking to people, so I'd love to be friends with you", for the first time in a long time I felt happy and smiled. His eyes opened wide and then he gave me his regular goofy smile "Your smile really is pretty, you should smile more", he said it normally like it was nothing and I pretended not to be embarrassed. We exchanged numbers and walked home together.

Now I have 3 contacts in my phone, for some that's not a lot, but for me it is. I got home and wanted to tell my mom, so she'd be happy but she wasn't there. I read the note she left on the table, it was the same as always, she'll be home late, warm up the food. Suddenly I wasn't hungry and just did my homework. I realized that this is always what I did. How boring I am, how could I catch his eye?

Later as I got ready for bed, I got a text message from him, he texted me goodnight, why did that make me happy?

The next morning, my first class was math with Historia, but it was so boring because it was so easy. Anyways it always leads to me helping Historia but that's fine, because she makes me feel useful. "Everyone is talking about the new kid, who's Erens new plaything", she said after we finished our assignments. Ugh, I looked at her and sighed "Great", that's all I had to say, I really hate attention and that's all Eren is getting me. After math was over, there he was standing in front of the classroom with that innocent goofy smile, very unknowing of my situation probably. I walked over holding my book close to my chest, avoiding his gaze. "We have English together, wanna sit next to me?", I forgot I had a class with him, though he usually sat next to that girl, I think Mikasa was her name. "But what about that girl?", he turned and started marching to our next class "She will be okay", we got to the classroom and he sat in the empty seat that had been by my side for two weeks. "So wanna come over today?", was he inviting me, of course he was, theres no one else here..I've never been to someone's house and I'm sure mom wouldn't mind. "Y-yeah", and that's the last thing he said to me for the rest of the lesson.

My food tray almost fell out of my hands, when Historia asked me to sit with her and her friends to eat lunch and her friends faces definitely thought differently than hers so I politely declined and went to my loner table. "Oh, lunch A, I got that one too", guess who sat at my table across from me like it was normal to eat with me, yeah Eren. "You're drawing attention to us both and not the good kind considering I'm the weird kid", he raised an eyebrow,  chewing and gestured with his hand for me to wait. He simply smiled and said "Wish I gave a fuck, but somehow I don't. I'm old enough to know what I can do", he sure is interesting, but not only that but damn good looking too, high cheekbones that went with his caramel skintone and his perfect, pinkish full lips. His eyes shined when the light hit them, they looked like emeralds. He had a button nose and thick eyebrows, all his features were hot as hell. My face felt warm all of a sudden and he leaned closer "You're all red, what is it?", I almost fell back trying to put distance between us. "N-no, I'm fine", if only I had magic powers to disappear right now, but if I'm honest, Eren is making my life a little more exciting.

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