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bienvenue au louvre! not long after releasing his first piece, rising artist 'il pittore' has published another painting of a picturesque bridge guarding a beautiful pond dusted with water-lilies. if you like monet's work, you'd be sure to like this painting! on display now in our modern artist exhibition, do't miss this chance to support a new artist!


police were called to investigate the whereabouts of prosecutor kim mingyu after he didn't show for work on the morning of the 15th of may, with no previous phone call to alert them of his absence. his partner alerted authorities as it was unlikely for the ever-punctual kim to not show up for work, especially since he was due to appear in court for the first time in his career that morning.

it is with my heavy condolences to his family that i say this: mr. kim's body was found at the bottom of the water-lily pond, a focal point of the 'arabesques' national park. witnesses say they saw the prosecutor standing on the bridge for a while with his shoes and coat off, gazing vacantly at the scenery. one witness has claimed that they saw a man approach and talk to him but authorities are yet to confirm their correlation.

although highly suspicious, the police suspect no foul play as it was known how mingyu struggled with his mental health. many have gathered to pay their condolences to his family and friends.

if anyone has any information regarding this investigation, please come forward as soon as possible.


"we retract the previous statement of there being no foul play: we are now treating this as a related homicide." the police captain announced these words to the press after reports of mr. kim's autopsy were revealed. once again, the left pinky finger was hacked off with precision as mr. lee's was. 

police would like to question the man who talked to him that morning, possibly the last person to see him alive. if anyone has any information regarding this investigation, please come forward as soon as possible.

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