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A small ray of sunlight had managed to escape the blinds, trailing down Jungkook's face. The boy smiled softly, stretching his limbs and feeling his joints ache with the movement. Damn, practise really had been tough on them lately. Jungkook stared at the ceiling, enjoying the rare quiet morning. It wasn't often that he could relax in bed, their schedule was always hectic and finding a moment of peace and quiet was hard when you shared a dorm with 7 people. He wished the moment of silence would never end.

Funny how the universe loves proving him wrong.

An ear-piercing scream cut through the thick silence, followed by the sounds of sobs and hurried footsteps. Jungkook sighed and let himself wallow in self-pity for a bit before he got up. He opened the door of his room and followed a frantic Jimin towards the source of the sobs.

Min Yoongi.

Yoongi was rolling around in his bed, big crocodile tears streaming down his face as he sobbed. Seokjin rushed towards him and cooed softly, lifting him up and holding him close to his chest. ''Shhh, daddy is here baby. everything is going to be okay'', he whispered, his voice soft and soothing as he rubbed Yoongi's back. The smaller boy had calmed down significantly once he heard Seokjin's heartbeat, though the occasional sniffle and hiccup still filled the room. However, once Jimin sat down next to Seokjin and started pulling funny faces, the room was soon filled with happy giggles.

''There's our happy baby!'', Taehyung squealed and patted Yoongi's head gently. Yoongi looked up at him with wide eyes and giggled softly.

''Wanna tell daddy why my baby was so sad, hm?'', Seokjin softly asked, making Yoongi whine softly and hide his face. ''... Yoonie had scawy dweam'', Yoongi pouted sadly. Everyone in the room cooed softly at the answer. ''It's okay! The scary dream is over now", Hoseok smiled and caressed Yoongi's cheek.

''My poor baby, let's go get you changed and then we will make you some milk hm?'', Taehyung took the boy from JIn and kissed his cheek, making Yoongi giggle happily as he nodded. Namjoon smiled and got up to leave the room. ''I'll go make him a bottle-'', he said, but before he could finish his sentence Seokjin had pulled him back.

''Oh no Joon, you are not allowed in my kitchen after last time'', he said sternly, though there was a smile on his face. Namjoon huffed, ''You destroy the stove once and they never let you forget...'', he mumbled, earning a laugh from Jimin, who pulled Namjoon closer. ''It's okay hyung! You're not the only one who's clumsy. Tae broke the cookie jar last week'', he giggled, earning a 'Hey!' from Taehyung and a 'Yah! Aish, these kids...', from Seokjin.

''Hey Kook? Wanna help me with making breakfast?'', Seokjin tapped Jungkook's shoulder softly, causing the boy to shriek and jump. ''Woah, relax man. You okay? You've been silent since you got here'', Seokjin examinated him, a worried look on his face. Jungkook's cheeks turned a bright pink as he nodded. ''I'm fine hyung, just not fully awake, I guess...'', he answered, staring at his feet. Seokjin hummed softly and nodded to himself. ''Okay... Now come help your hyung'', he smiled and pulled the youngest with him to the kitchen.

Jungkook kept spacing out the entire time, staring at the wall. Seokjin lightly scowled him, rambling about how he 'shouldn't play games until 3 am, how are you supposed to function with 3 hours of sleep?!'.

However, contrary to Seokjin's belief, he wasn't tired at all. He kept thinking about how his hyungs soothed Yoongi that morning, how they cheered him up, how he wished that was him.

Because Jeon Jungkook, the golden maknae of Bangtan Sonyeondan, was a little. His hyungs though didn't know about it at all, because Jungkook absolutely despised being little.

Jungkook grew up in a cold household. His parents were always busy with work, hiring a nanny to take care of Jungkook and his brother. Jungkook's only friend had been his older brother, but that soon changed once his brother started hanging out with the popular kids. Needless to say, he ditched Jungkook after he got laughed at because Jungkook followed him around everywhere. This had made Jungkook really upset, as he aspired to be as perfect as his big brother who, in his eyes, didn't even love him.

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