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The next day both brothers had puffy red eyes, and both had forgotten to take the make up off their faces. 

Really effin' great. 

Their day turned to be one of the tough days, with Taeyong not trying to fall asleep and avoiding Jaehyun at all cost (which deeply confused Jaehyun because he never had that kind of situation where he said good morning and was being ignored, besides, Jaehyun still wanted to know the secret behind the gifted pen) and Donghyuck faking his smiles and pretending to be happy around his friends for no one to catch on onto his situation.

Avoiding Jaehyun worked very well for Taeyong but with every move his heart ached. At first, he had ignored Jaehyun's good morning, and that made him feel very bad, he was ready to crawl back to his feelings and beg Jaehyun for forgiveness, but he scolded himself, reminding his own that his brother needed help. And if he would lay awake every night feeling sorry for himself  for not having any chances at Jaehyun's and for Jaehyun being a mean player, he would not get anywhere. Plus he had to avoid the divorce- he could not be separated from his brother. So he acted like Jaehyun was not there, ignoring his screaming heart and his desire to cry. Because it actually hurt loving someone who did not return the feelings. 

Taeyong was ready to call it a day and to go home, cry and sleep, but then he remembered, that Doyoung wanted to go to the mall with him and his brother. So after school he waited with Doyoung for his brother, and Doyoung had previously said that some others would also join so Taeyong just hoped for his brother to come faster, so he could hold his hand and calm both of them. 

Donghyuck went out of school together with Mark, who was completely obvious to his tired and exhausted state, and Mark had somehow completely forgotten his mission he had set the previous day, to ask Donghyuck about his family. However, after Mark saw how happy Donghyuck skipped to Taeyong he remembered his task, but as he saw how tight both hugged each other he decided not to interfere in their moment. It did make him worried a lot, and in the arms of his brother it seemed like Donghyuck had taken off a mask he had worn all day. Donghyuck looked fragile for some reason and Mark did not understand why his heart clutched at the scene unfolding in front of him. So he shrugged and went to his cousin. 

Taeyong was feeling content after finally hugging his brother after all those awful exhausting periods. Donghyuck shared the feeling and smiled happily at his brother, who sighed relieved. The sun was back. 

Doyoung leaned his head back in annoyance. "When is the rest coming? They are leaving us to wait for that long..-" Mark chuckled at his cousin. "Well i can see Yuta", he answered, referring to the student who was strolling in their direction. Taeyong knew Yuta a little bit, he had seen him often. And by the huff his little brother let out he assumed, Donghyuck knew Yuta better than he did. "Mark's new best friend", explained his brother, "he has now three besties." Now that explained Donghyuck's dislike towards the boy and Taeyong felt his younger brother cuddle even further into him. Taeyong did not mind, and he softly caressed his brother's back. 

"Hello hello hello", said the boy, also known as Yuta, as he looked around the gathered group. "The rest is coming they had to stay back because of helping a teacher- yeah honestly i don't care, we could just go without them." Yuta smiled a kitty-like smile, and mischief was glittering inside his big brown eyes. By the way he talked Taeyong could hear he was not from Korea, maybe China or Japan, or even Canada (like Mark was). "And here they come", said Doyoung, pointing towards two students coming their way. Taeyong recognized one of the boys as the student Doyoung was always busy looking at and the other one was- 

Taeyong clenched his teeth and tensed up. Not him. The day had been difficult even without him talking to Taeyong and Taeyong could not bear anymore acting like he did not exist. Also, for some reason, now that he had set his goal to finally move on-; he has been seeing that one particular person very often. Donghyck felt his brothers discomfort and looking at the students coming towards them he understood why. 

Jaehyun was also spending the afternoon with them. In Taeyong's eyes he looked perfect, flawless, and the way he was walking showed his power, his smile and his dimples showing his beautiful side. He looked as if god tried to craft himself in a more korean way, so ethereal, so handsome, so pretty. Taeyong felt the need to cry once again, by realizing how different they both were, and how little chances he had. Plus, Jaehyun was a player. So he shook his head and got ready to become wrecked once again, and his brother prepared himself to act happy and polite towards everyone. After both students had arrived, Doyoung introduced the other student to Taeyong and Donghyuck as 'Taeil' and both smiled and introduced themselves, while Taeyong did it rather awkwardly. In the corner of his eye he saw Jaehyun's smile and prepared his nerves once again for the long afternoon. 


The whole afternoon consisted of both brothers trying to stay with each other as much as possible. Taeyong felt lost since for some reason Jaehyun searched for his company and kept trying to have a conversation going, Taeyong felt confused, he was afraid since that has never happened and he kept saying to himself he should just answer fast and go back to ignore him. 

His brother was caught up in a kind of different situation, he felt like Mark was avoiding him. It was as if Mark was changing between talking to Doyoung (more of like, teasing him), joining into a conversation between Yuta and Jaehyun (which sometimes also had Taeyong icluded, thanks to Jaehyun) and talking to Taeil to know him better. Donghyuck simply felt like his theory on Mark not missing him if he was gone was right, so he simply clutched onto his brother to ease this horrible feeling with some brotherly love. 

Taeil looked at the brothers. "You both must be really close huh? Are you a couple?", he said softly smiling, and his smile looked so kind, that Taeyong also smiled a little in response. Mark however, his ears seemed to perk up in curiosity- and jealousy. But he paid no attention to that and went back to talk with his other 'besties'.
"No we are not", replied Taeyong softly, being happy that he could avoid Jaehyun's tries to talk to him, "although it might not seem like this, we both are brothers." Donghyuck nodded. He pushed down the feeling of uneasiness as he was reminded once again what their family situation was right now. "Ahhh", Taeil smiled, "well that is so sweet, i have never seen such a strong bond between brothers." Donghyuck smiled cutely over Taeyong's shoulder and flashed Taeil one of his famous 'sunshine-smiles', being happy that Taeil did not question why the both of them did not look alike. 

Mark saw this and felt a kind of jealousy in the pit of his stomach. Why was Donghyuck smiling so happily to a stranger while Mark only got a halfhearted smile?
But once again he shrugged it off and looked over to Yuta, who started talking. "We should get something to eat", suggested said person, and everyone was okay this that idea. So the group went into a fast- food restaurant, and while everyone else was ordering food Taeyong excused himself, gave his brother into the arms of Taeil since he looked like the most trustable person at the moment, whispered to his brother not to worry and went to the bathroom. 

Taeyong felt uneasy. He hated socializing, he had to help his brother, who somehow was constantly reminded of not being a real brother to Taeyong and Jaehyun searched for his company- he understood nothing of the situation right now. Just as he was about to yell at himself, another figure appeared in the mirror. 

"Are you alright?"

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