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Moving on. 


Taeyong actually thought about this a lot. After he would have moved on, life would be easy, right? He would not have the problems of sleepless nights, he would not have the problem of not focusing, and maybe his self-esteem would also rise. Moving on from his feelings- he often tried to complete that task, he often tried to forget Jaehyun, to forget him with his smile and his gorgeous dimples. But whenever he came back to school after a whole weekend fighting against his feelings, he saw his back again and everything returned back (it had not gone anywhere, it just got evident again.).

Not this time. After he had heard what his brother told him, after he had what Jaehyun was really after he had to move on. Now it was final, Taeyong was going to leave Jaehyun behind (not that they actually had a relationship), he was going to forget him and his dimples and be open to the rest of the world- there were many other fishes in the sea. 

However, he was still feeling close to crying and he felt no triumph while declaring the decision to himself. He could not believe, that the beautiful student had that much bad intentions and yet such a beautiful appearance and such a beautiful smile, and he could not believe that he had fallen for him. The other reason why he was feeling down, was that he acknowledged: he really had no chances getting with Jaehyun, he never had any. But he bit his tears back and assured himself and his brother, that he would not cry. That would be too much of a hit to his pride. He could always cry later. 

Donghyuck comforted his older brother in a loving hug, and caressed his back. He knew he just had crushed a big dream of Taeyong's, but it was in order to protect him. If anything would have happened to Taeyong, which he could have helped to avoid- he would never forgive himself. So he cuddled his sad brother and fed him with the pancakes, which thankfully helped in cheering up Taeyong.

Sadly both heard the end of the lunch break with the help of the school ringing and looked at each other. Now Donghyuck pat his brother's back as a 'take care' and Taeyong fluffed his brother's hair as a 'don't worry'. And then, as if a dejavu was happening, both sprinted off to their classrooms. 

When Taeyong came into the classroom, he was greeted by his friend and seat-mate, who was absent in the morning as a cause of a appointment at the doctor's. It was the same friend who introduced Jaehyun to Taeyong, and Taeyong felt helpless feelings bubble up inside of him. He and his brother completely forgot that Jaehyun was (even if it was more distant ) a part of their friends. Mark, Donghyuck's best friend was also the best friend of Jaehyun (much to Donghyuck's dismay, he would rather be the only best friend Mark had) and he was also a very close friend to his seat- mate ( who Taeyong was also friends with). 

He shook of his thoughts and sat down. "Hi", he quietly greeted back his friend. "How was the time at the Doctor's?" His friend laughed and started explaining a story, where Taeyong eventually stopped listening. He would just look at him and nod, and count how many times his friend's bunny teeth would be showing. "Anyways", said his friend, "do you want to spent the Afternoon tomorrow together? You can also bring your brother, my cousin will be there too."

Well, the reason why Taeyong was friends with that guy. Taeyong did not have many friends, he was not outgoing at all and he hated to socialize, he was extremely shy and could not stop comparing himself to others. The friends he had he had gotten them through his brother, just like his seat- mate. It just happened to be that way that this guy's cousin was Mark Lee.

"So are you going?", he asked, smiling at Taeyong. Taeyong was not very fond of that idea, as previously said he hated socializing, but he would come along because his brother would be there. So he nodded. "Where do you think of going to?", whispered Taeyong, as the teacher was already in the classroom, and already had started the lesson. His seatmate thought for a moment. "I still gotta go shopping", he whispered back, "and Mark again destroyed something, so he also wants to buy it again, don't ask what it was he explained it that often but i am too old to understand that type of generation i guess. " He sighed. "So we will be going to the mall, i suppose." Taeyong nodded, the mall was okay with him. "I'll come. And I'll bring my brother. Thanks for the invitation Doyoungie." Doyoung smiled, showing his bunny teeth once again. "No Problem."

Both stopped whispering, as both got busy. Doyoung was busy eyeing another student and Taeyong was busy thinking- once again. Jaehyun was taking other his thoughts again and uneasy feelings spread through his body. It was funny, how crushed Taeyong felt, considering that he and Jaehyun never had a relationship. Taeyong sighed, he could not be that much of a weakling, getting emotionally attached to a person he thought he knew- and then nearly crying over the truth. He felt pathetic, he felt disgusted of himself, he felt tired. His brother was right, Jaehyun was no good to him. 

As if on cue Jaehyun turned towards Taeyong at the end of the lesson and smiled, holding the pen he previously borrowed into Taeyong's direction. "Here", he said and smiled, "thank you very much, you really saved me." Taeyong nodded and forced himself to smile back. But he hesitated in grabbing the pen and saving it from Jaehyun's hold, he simply looked at him and his smile turned into a rather sad one. He was ready to leave Jaehyun once and for all, so he decided a goodbye- present would not be bad. And on another note, this was his favorite pen so that gift would come from his heart. "You know what?", he told Jaehyun, who patiently waited for his reponse, "i have- enough pens. You can keep it" 

Jaehyun's smile grew even more, his dimples were showing it's glory. "Really now? It is such a great pen-" Taeyong nodded, "Yes,yes, take it."

Jaehyun looked really thankful and happy. 

"Thank you."


After school both brothers went home and Taeyong told Donghyuck about his decision, and the gift he made Jaehyun spontaneously. Donghyuck felt proud about his brother, and kept saying that he would be always at his side if he needed help. 

Arriving at home, both brothers could smell from the outside that their mom had made food, and were very happy about it. If their mom and dad were in good terms there would usually be good food, since their mom was a very good cook (on other days she simply would be too offended to do anything good for the family). Both happily made their way inside the house and greeted their parents, but something was very off. Then they both noticed the thick atmosphere between the parents, and how both did not talk to each other, and looking at each other they both realized they both were thinking the same thing. 

Why did mom cook?

Then Donghyuck decided to ask, since both brothers knew that Taeyong would be too shy. 

"Why are you not talking with each other?"

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