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"Why were you with Donghyuck before school?" 

I smell some jealousy.

Jaeyhun looked at his bestfriend, they were walking home again- without Yuta (Yuta had mentioned something about a date with Sicheng so Jaehyun wished goodluck to whoever Sicheng was). Mark was looking at him, however he was avoiding eye contact and his mouth was clutched into a frown. "Who else would be with him?" asked Jaehyun, "Mark he had no one but you and his brother- i would take him to our group but i don't want to put the awful weight upon you both." Mark sighed, then he nodded. "You don't know how i bad i feel" he mumbled, "I badly want to apologize to him." Jaehyun nodded. "I understand. Oh and we both plotted somewhat of a plan for Taeyong and me" he added, smiling to himself in content. "Can I know the plan?" asked Mark, looking at the other with some form of curiosity. Jaehyun smiled, "Well..."

School went somewhat normal- up until lunch. And now the Taeyong was once again (the second time of the day!) shaking in anxiety. 

He did not really know what he had done to deserve this- he was not even sure he went overboard this day with something. Skimming through his memories he did not remember any instance where he would have declared Ten as his own- making him be somewhat relieved- however it did not save him from the giant who now was walking in front of him and leading the way. Before this particular moment, Taeyong wanted to sit down and once more, goof around with Ten, however Johnny declared he had to talk to him about something and now the older was dragging him by his wrist towards- presumably the rooftop. 

And Taeyong was right with his assumption, Johnny climbed up all stairs with him and opened the door. Immediatly Taeyong remembered his confession as he caught a glimpse of all the students at the bottom of the school building, looking like little ants. However the reminiscence of his confession came without the usual amount of embarrassement, it came more with fond warmth and a pink hue spread over his cheeks. The smaller spaced out completely, smiling to himself, however the clearing of the other's throat brought him back. He looked at Johnny, who was sitting down at the rooftop. Taeyong copied the action and sat across of him. "What did you want to talk about?" he asked, trying to push down his nervous feeling. Johnny opened his lunchbox and took out his chopsticks. 

"I want you to know" he said, skimming Taeyong up and down, "that I see you as a rival." The younger halted in his actions of taking out his own lunch and looked at the giant. His aura was intimidating, his honey coloured eyes were glaring awfully, his posture now seemingly taller. Slightly frightened and confused Taeyong slowly leaned back. "As what rival? In where do you see me as a rival with him?" he asked, not remembering they were competing in something. He wouldn't think he was acctually making moves on Ten, would he? "Ten" replied Johnny. Oh, no way, thought Taeyong. "Ten?" repeated the smaller, "why do you see me as a rival in relation to him?" Johnny just sighed, looking at his lunch. "I really like Ten." The other gasped in joy and clapped his hands in happines as he saw the pinkish cheeks of the other, nearly launching at the giant. "Really?" he whispered. Johnny nodded and avoided eye contact. Taeyong put both of his hands on his mouth and squealed, a deep happiness erupting from within him. He was so awfully happy for Ten, he was so awfully happy for Johnny and he was awfully happy to witness this occasion. His actions confused the other who looked at the beaming ray of sunshine with furrowed brows. "Are you not mad? Furious?" asked the older, confused at the other's pure euphoria. "Why would i be?" asked back the other, smiling. "I thought you were crushing on him? Or at the very least, checking him out?" Frantically Taeyong waved his hand and giggled softly. "Two bottoms can't make a relationship." Johnny blinked, then he looked away, flustered. "I was trying to not think of him in this way." The other smiled mischeously. "Really? I thought you could see five miles against the wind that Ten is not a top-" "You stop right there." The smaller giggled and took a bite from his lunch, shrugging his shoulders simultaneosly. "Just saying." Silence fell over them both.

Taeyong once more thought back to his confession. It was not that bad apparently? Jaeyhun still wanted to talk to him and he did, so maybe he could help Ten and Johnny out?

"Hey John" he said, looking serious at the giant, "Confess." The other looked at him and blinked, the chopsticks he was about to put into his mouth freezing midways. "Please elaborate" he said, lowering his lunch. "I know this sounds stupid" started Taeyong, "but you can really trust me. Confess to Ten, nothing bad will happen." Johnny looked at him. "Besides" Taeyong added, "Ten is a social butterfly. I feel like you have to be fast." The giant nodded, determined to have a plan soon. 

Mark looked outside the window as he listened to the beeps of a number being dialled. His heart was racing, his thoughts were all over the place. Nervously gulping he repositioned his foot, putting his weight on the other. His gaze then fell again on the neon blue sticky note. It said "apologise, ask him to see him in person for proper apology, tell him you feel the same way" and these three points made him even more nervous. Finally his call was accepted. 


"Hi, Donghyuck..."

"Oh, Mark?"

The way the boy said his name was surprised, however not negatively. It sounded almost... as if Donghyuck was happy to hear again from him. And Mark's heart swole at this thought. He had ignored him, but Hyuck had waited. Mark appreciated it. 

His eyes darted again towards the sticky note. 

"Uh..." he swallowed, "yeah. Mark." Then he breathed in deep and collected himself. "I wanted to say sorry, what i did was not okay." A giggle was heard. "No, don't worry, i shouldn't have overthrown you with all the information i had put into you. I am also sorry." Mark shook his head. "No, no. You don't understand Hyuck." The line was silent for a second. "What do you mean?" Donghyuck asked, "I completely understand if you have no feelings for me." "See that's the thing" started Mark, turning around and walking towards the other end of his room in order to try and ease his nerves. "I do have feelings for you." 

Again the line was silent. All he heard was Donghyuck breathing for a while. Then finally he spoke up again.

"Please elaborate." 

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