Before the Maze part IV - Gally

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Short and sweet (I hope) :)

"Hey!" I call across the snowy yard, wrapping my arms around myself.

"Hey!" Gally calls back, standing up and waving to me. He watches as I walk towards him, my hands shoved deeply into the pockets of my jacket and my face buried in the collar. "What are you doing here?" he asks when I'm close enough.

"I finished early," I explain, "I asked if I could come and help out with this and they said yes."

"Oh yeah?" He rests one hand on his hip, raising an eyebrow. "I don't wanna sound rude, but how is a data analyst gonna help with fixing the pipe?"

"I didn't know you were fixing a pipe," I reply, rolling my eyes. "And if it's that big of an issue then I guess I can always go and find something else to do..." I turn around, making to go back to the building, but Gally grabs my arm before I get more than a few steps away from him.

"I never said I didn't want you here," he says, pulling me back towards him. I look down at his large hand around my wrist, raising an eyebrow. He holds my gaze, and I silently dare him to look away, thrills of adrenaline running through my body.

"Are you just gonna hold me right here, Captain Gally?" I ask, biting my lip. His eyes flick from mine down to my mouth, then to his hand on my wrist. "Don't you have a pipe to fix?"

"Yeah," he says, letting me go and stepping back, running a hand over his short hair and looking around.

"So do you want my help or not?" I grin, scuffing my foot in the snow. He points wordlessly to the pile of tools beside the exposed pipe, and I go over to them. He directs me which ones to pass him when he needs them, and pretty soon the small leakage is patched firmly.

Snow is starting to fall – again – as we start to make our way inside, but as we pass the water tank Gally pulls me to the side, his hands around my waist.

"What are you doing, baby?" I ask softly, tilting my face up to look him in the eyes. A snowflake drifts down and rests on his nose, melting almost instantly. I stick my tongue out, catching one on the tip and going cross-eyed trying to see it.

"I adore you," he smiles, brushing a strand of my hair off my forehead.

"You really dragged me behind a water tank just to tell me that?"

"Not just..." he says, then leans down and kisses me. I stretch towards him, winding my arms around his neck and leaning against his chest to steady myself on my toes. Kissing's great, kissing Gally is really great, but kissing Gally in the snow behind a water tank is just something else entirely.

"A9! A1!"

We both start guiltily, breaking our kiss to see a WICKED guard watching us. I glance at Gally, catching the apprehension in his face. We're definitely going to get yelled at, and there's nothing we can do to avoid it.

"You shouldn't be out here while it's snowing!" The guard calls to us, and we both sigh in relief. "Why don't you guys take it inside," he continues. "Not quite as romantic, but warmer. And we need you to stay healthy."

"Yes, Sir!" I say, grabbing Gally's hand and dragging him after me into the WICKED complex. Sometimes, I really like the people who work here. 

This seamed cute when I wrote it, idk why. I was just feeling happy that day so... here you go. 

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