Reunions part IV - Minho

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Ok... hi everyone. I know it's been a LONG time since I added anything and there are valid reasons for that, personal stuff etc. but I found this the other day and realised I never published it so here it is. Yes, I'm still not taking requests or writing anything atm I'm sorry, but anyways... here you go. Enjoy.

Also this is kinda copied from ch 10 of my WICKED Games fic which is a Newt x Reader fic, obviously this one is with Minho so I just edited and added to it if I remember correctly, but yknow...
Context is basically that you're in the WICKED building looking for Minho, and yeah.

We run through the hallways of the WICKED building, our boots thudding on the shiny white floors.

"(Y/N), come on!" Newt shouts, looking back over his shoulder.

"Anyone behind us?" Thomas pants.

"Let's just get Minho and get out of here," I reply.

We slow to a walk, there are people up ahead. With our heads down, we keep going past them, getting a few weird stares but nobody tries to stop us.

"Guards," I whisper, footsteps are coming down the corridor. I grab Newt, dragging him behind a door with Thomas and pressing against the wall. They run past, crackling voices coming from their intercoms.

"Ok, let's go," Thomas says, walking out from behind the doorway. We follow, keeping our route from before.

Suddenly Thomas stops, and Newt and I follow his gaze to Ava Paige, standing in the next corridor.

"Thomas!" Newt shouts, tackling him sideways and dragging me after him. Bullets fly past us, and I peak around the corner to see Janson. I squeeze off a few shots, hopefully I'll get lucky.

We keep running, Blasters raised. A hallway filled with doctors and nurses erupts in screaming as we round the bend, and we advance through them, shouting for Minho. I shoot two guards in the chest, and they go down, crashing into a wall.

"Minho?" I yell, looking through doorways, "Minho where are you!"

"Minho!" Thomas joins in, shooting more guards.

"Shit," I jump to avoid a blast, almost getting a bullet between the eyes.

"You ok?" Thomas asks, and I duck behind him, firing at a guard who was about to shoot him in the back.

I dump my blaster, pulling a revolver from my belt and blasting away at a fresh wave of guards.

"Get down!" Thomas pushes us into an empty room, looking around the corner.

"I'm almost out," Newt says, and I hand him a random gun from my belt. "Thanks," he eyes it.

Thomas stands up, firing around the bend, and I go over to a bag on the floor. In it, are the little electronic grenades that WICKED used on the Right Arm's camp.

"Get back!" I yell, pressing the button on it and hurling it around the corner.

"Nice," Thomas says as it explodes, and then we're running again.

"You three," the voice comes from ahead of us, "freeze!" A WICKED guard has a blaster pointed at us.

"Shuck," I mutter, putting my hands up.

"Get down on the ground," he continues, "now!"

Suddenly, a roar erupts from the bend and someone crashes into the guard, slamming him against the wall. Someone with spiky black hair and golden skin, wearing a WICKED uniform.

Minho screams at the guard, picking him up and hurling him through a window.

"Oh my god, Minho?" I don't wait, I drop my gun and run at him, throwing my arms around his neck. He hugs me back, running his hands down my back, over my hair, as if checking that I'm actually there. He pulls back, placing his hands on either side of my face and studying me carefully. 

"Is this real?" he asks, and I nod.

"Yeah, this is real, it's all real, we're getting you out!"

He lets out a little burst of laughter, shaking his head and grinning. "You're amazing, you know that?"

"Shut up," I smile back, pressing my lips firmly against his.

"Alright," Thomas says as we break apart, "let's get going." He and Newt each give Minho a brief hug and a pat on the back.

"We got 'em!" the shouts come from behind us, and I grab another gun from my belt, firing behind me.

"Run," Thomas grabs my arm, pulling me with him around a bend. We keep going, but there are more guards down that way.

"Shit," I turn, my boots skidding on the shiny floor.

"This way," Thomas pulls us down another hallway, but Janson's at the end of this one.

"In here," Newt ducks through a door, and I shove Minho and Thomas, shooting at the guards chasing us.

"(Y/N), come on!" Minho grabs me, pulling me through the door.

"I was fine!" I slam the door shut, twisting the lock. Outside, people slam against it.

"Guys," Thomas shouts, "Come on!" We flip a table over, shoving it across the doorway.

"Oh shit," Newt says, looking around. All the weapons we have are in our hands or on our belts, and there's no escape route. A grinding sound issues from the door, and I turn to see sparks flying from the lock.

"Any ideas?" Minho yells, but there really isn't anything we can do.

"Maybe," Thomas turns from the window, "help me with that tank."

The four of us lift the huge tank over our heads, running at the window and hurling it through. It sails through the air, landing with a splash in the water below.

"Ok," Thomas says, "it's doable."

"I swear, Thomas you're out of your shuck mind."

He looks at me, then backs up. "We just need a little running start."

"You sure about this?" Minho asks, standing beside Thomas.

"Not really," he says, and I go to join them.

"Nice pep talk," I say.

"Yeah," Newt looks sideways at Thomas, "we're bloody inspired."
Behind us, the door bangs open.

"Shit, go!" Thomas yells, running for the window. I grab Minho's hand, pulling him with me as I jump out into the night.

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