⚘ Kibutsuji Muzan

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“Oh? [Y/n]–sama, it’s been a while!~” one of your lover‘s strongest demon, the uppermoon 2 Douma, greeted you silently since he knew your surprise for today since Muzan is going to have a meeting, exclusively for uppermoons only and of course he was hot blooded because of the news he recieve so you are going to make him relax in the middle of it

“Douma–chan, kon‘nichiwa!” you sent him your beautiful closed eyed smile.

You two talked for a bit, since you are Muzan‘s fiancé, as they would like you to be their leader instead of Muzan, you have more calmer demeanor than him and you never get so angry like him. You were just like an Angel sent from above.

“Please act normal later Douma–chan, I don’t want you to disappoint me, since you are my most favorite.” there was a venom in the tone of your voice that he immediately nodded to.

“Of course [Y/n]–sama, you have me all along of your plan.” he stood up, maybe Muzan was already going, you went to hide.

When he is definitely mad, his senses are not focused that much thus it‘s a perfect plan. You hid yourself somewhere where he couldn‘t find you. All the uppermoons started to show up, they didn‘t even bother see you or sense you because you know how Muzan can read demon‘s mind.

“I‘m really disappointed at you all! After I‘ve given you all my blood.” he started off with a very boombarded voice, you sighed in defeat of how very unsual he shouted at his demons.

“We are very sorry Muzan–sama.” the uppermoon 1, Kokushibo.

“Sorry huh? When you can‘t defeat a Hashira. You are destined to be an uppermoon and you can‘t even devour them? Really disappointing.” he stared at his which he was very proud of.

“W–we‘re trying our best Muzan–sama, b–but they kept running or keep being alive” the uppermoon 6 Daki called off.

“Keep running away? You know how much my blood powerful is right? You— ” you now decided to cut him off.

You walked to their direction and your heels ringing in their ears as you walked towards them.

“[Y/n]–sama!” the bowed their heads as you smirked and you saw Douma smirking and you looked at your lover.

“Now, now. Relax for a bit now love. Let them be for a while.” you handed a signal to biwe, Nakime to bring you to your lover.

“My love, what are you doing here?” he brought you to his arms as he kissed your lips firmly, his arms on your waist.

“Am I not allowed here? It‘s unfair.” your eyes glowed as you pouted. You turn your head towards the uppermoon as you looked back to your lover.

“Of course you are allowed to be here my love. I‘m just in the middle of—” you cutted him off as the demons looked at you curiously.

“I‘ll be giving them orders this time, trust me. I have known better what is happening since I roam around so much” you winked at him as he raised his eyebrows at you.

“Are you sure you can handle them? They might be a headache for you.” he rubbed you back as you smirked.

“They have known better love, after all, they don‘t even know how angry I get.” you looked each one of them as he nodded, he went back to his experiments and he lets go of your waist, in your dismay.

You smirked at them as they bowed more. Muzan waited for your turn to talk, he knew that you can handle them very well than him, they quite panic when Muzan was infront of them.

“Now, why did you do that? I expected better ya‘know?” you crossed your arms as your aura gets scarier but it was no problem at them.

Silence answered you as you started to walk down towards them, Nakime panicked but you stopped her from plucking her instrument.

“No one wants to answer me? I‘ll let Muzan handle you again, I guess?” you placed your thumb and index finger on your chin as they startled.

“Let me ask again, why didn‘t you killed any Hashira and let them win over you?” you crossed your arms again as you walked around them.

You snickered when you choose the right demon, Daki. You heard she hated your guts to the core when she heard that Muzan has a fiancé.

“Why Daki? Why did you let them escape, when you can‘t just kill them?” you twirled around her as you saw an irk mark on her forehead.

“T–they kept running away, m‘lady. We can‘t catch them.” your eyebrows raised as you tilt your head.

“Well, I‘m not Muzan to yell at a stupid answer” you made an expression, making her very irritated.

You smirked as you looked at Douma, he smirked back as you went back infront.

“I‘m giving you another chance uppermoons, if you really didn‘t do your jobs, I won‘t hesitate to disbaned you myself. Is that clear?!” you glared at them, your eyes were glowing with wrath and pride making them nod.

“Yes m‘lady!” they bowed as Nakime plucked her strings as they vanished one by one.

You felt arms slithered in your waist as you felt a kiss on your nape. He was indeed sweet at you, but he was different when dealing with demons.

“Tch, you shouldn‘t baby them so much. They deserve some punishment after all.” he whispered in your ear.

“Everyone deserves second chance, after all it’s my first time talking to all of them.” you turned around as you cupped his cheeks as he leans into your touch.

You kissed his lips gently as he kisses back, you wrapped your legs around his waist. As you both parted away, his eyes full of lust then guided you in a bedroom.

sumptuous ، kimetsu no yaiba. [ ✓ ]जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें