Chapter 14: Winter Soldier Arc|| Till the End of the Line

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The handcuffs were to big for me so they just gave me regular ones. We were escorted onto the vehicle in silence. I sat next to Steve and held my knees close to my chest.

"I knew him. He looked right at me and didn't even know me." Steve stated looking despondent.

"Are you talking about Metal Bastard?" I asked quietly.

"Yeah kid his name was Bucky he was my bestfriend." Steve answered.

"That's impossible that was like what? 70 years ago?" Sam scoffed.

"Zola. Bucky whole unit was captured in '43. Zola experimented on him. Whatever they did help Bucky survive the fall." Steve narrowed his eyes.

"That's not your fault." Natasha grunted in pain. Sam looked at Natashas wound frowning.

"We need a doctor in here. That flimsy fabric could do so much for her." Sam shouted. The guard fired up his weapon silencing Sam. Suddenly the guard next to him knocked him out and took off their helmet.

"These Helmets are so uncomfortable." Hill groaned. And I never been so ecstatic to see the cold woman in my life.

"Who is this guy?" She asked looking at Sam.

With help of agent Hill we escaped and drove to remote area. Hill escorted us inside the building with Widow in toll.

"GSW she lost at least a pint! Probably two!" She shouted.

My eyes widened when I saw a CONSCIOUS Nick Fury sitting in a hospital bed.

"About damn time." He droned. I ran towards him and hugged him tightly ignoring his grunt in pain.

"Get off of me Brat!" He ordered. I let go of him pulling back while glaring at him.

"You scared me half to death Old Man Fury!" I yelled angrily.

"What? I didn't expect anyone to be sad." He smirked glancing subtly at Widow.

"You stingy old fart I really thought you were goner!" I laughed out loud slapping his shoulder a bit to hard.

"NARUTO!" Everyone shouted and I flinched quickly apologizing.

Fury explained to us why he faked his own death and how much he was injured. And how he was unsure on who to trust.

"We have to stop the Launch." I concluded.

"I don't think the councils accepting my calls anymore." Fury replied sarcastically revealing three chips.

"What's that?" Sam asked.

"Once the Hellicarriers reach 3,000 feet, they'll triangulate with Insight satellites becoming fully weaponized." Hill explained.

"We need to breach those carriers and replace their targeting blades with our own." Fury added.

"One or two won't cut it. We need to link all three carriers for this to work. Because if even one of those ships remains operational a whole lot of people are going to die." Hill scowls.

"Well that's definitely not a good thing." I pursed my lips worryingly.

"We have to soon everyone on board these carriers are HYDRA. We have to get past them and insert these server blades. Maybe just maybe we can salvage what's left..." Fury warned.

"We're not Salvaging anything. We're not jus taking down those carriers, Nick. We're taking down SHIELD." Steve glared down at Fury.

"SHIELD has nothing to do with this-" Steve cuts Fury off.

"You gave me this mission. This is how it ends." Steve said stubbornly.

"SHIELDS been compromised you said so yourself. HYDRA grew right under your nose and nobody noticed." Steve argued.

"Why do you think we're in this cave Rogers. Because I noticed." Fury sneered.

"How many paid the price before you did?" Steve asked raising the tension in the room.

"Look. I didn't know about Barnes." Fury sighed.

"Even if you noticed would you have told me?" Steve asked knowing the answer to that question.

"SHIELD, HYDRA it all goes." Steve shook his head.

"He's right." Hill agreed.

Fury looked at everyone and Sam responded with, "Don't look at me, I do everything he does but slower."

Fury stopped at me and I shifted uncomfortably seeing as everyone stared at me waiting for an answer. I looked up at Steve then at Nick.

"I'm sorry Old Man but Steve is right. Hydra hurt Sasuke and I when we first arrived in this world. And I know how it feels to lose a best friend." I smiled sadly.

"Well looks like you're giving the orders now Captain." Fury sighed while leaning back on his chair.

"Wait are we just going to ignore the fact that he's from a different world??" Sam stares at me incredulously.

"Oh we must've forgotten to mention that to Sam. Yes my bestfriend and I come from a different world with Ninjas and Demons. A lot different from this one!" I chirped.

Time skip....

Steve wouldn't allow me to be in the battle scene annoying little-  he's such a worry wart. But I didn't feel like arguing. I was pulled out of my thoughts when the Hellacarrier crashed into the building and started crashing. I saw Steve drop in the water in the distance and we quickly ran over to where he fell. When I got closer I saw that Bucky guy save him and drag him out the water.

"You bastard what did you do?!" I shouted weakly pushing him away. And running towards Steve.

"If he dies I'll kill you!" I growled as my eyes turned red. I held the soldier close to while pointing a kunai at the assassin.

"Calm down kid. Besides you don't have the eyes of a killer." Bucky spat. I flinched and he walked away not sparing me a second look.

Steve's POV:

I woke up to the sound of music realizing that I'm in a hospital. I looked down and saw Naruto asleep with a few bandaids on him resting his head on me. Sam was simply flipping through a magazine idly looking quite comfortable.

"On your left." I smirked while he glanced over at me with a smile.

It took a few weeks until I was officially discharged from the hospital. I already sent Naruto home and said my goodbyes with Fury and Romanoff. For some reason I feel like this is only the beginning.

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