Chapter 13: Winter Soldier Arc|| The Battle on the Bridge

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Naruto POV:

I woke up feeling refreshed and stretched my sore muscles with a satisfied smile. Now I'm in tip top condition! I got up and opened the door and smelled food.

"Aww you're eating with out me no fair!!" I shouted on irritation.

"You were sleeping Naruto we didn't want to wake you up." Steve rolled his eyes.

"Stop whining there's pancakes and bacon left for you." Natasha narrowed her eyes. I chuckled nervously and went to go eat quickly. I would eat more but I didn't pack snacks with me rookie mistake.

"Come on Naruto we're gonna kidnap someone bad guys." Sam smirked.

"Ok!" I chirped.

And this is why I'm on the roof kicking this cowardly man around like a sack of rice.

"Tell me about Zola's Algorithm." I ordered.

"Never heard of it." The man stammered.

"What were you doing on the Lemurian Star?" Steve asked as the man backed away from us.

"I-I was throwing up I get seasick!" The man stopped when he realized he was on the edge of the roof. I smirked bingo.

I grabbed his collar while glaring at him and he smirked.

"Is this act your doing insinuating that you'll throw me off the roof?" He inquired arrogantly.

"You know I really hate arrogant people so it's up to me to humble them. Yes?" I chuckled while letting him go for a split second and catching him. I leaned him closer bringing his ear up to my mouth.

"Your very life hangs in the balance of an Impatient 14 year old child this probably isn't the time to mouth off so brazenly." I whispered threateningly. He stared into my eyes and they flashed red for a second invoking fear into him as he visibly paled.

"I'll talk! I'll talk!" The man shouted.

"Too late I'm already pissed. Have a safe trip and tell my parents I said hey although the likelihood of you going to the pure world isn't much!" I chirped and slugged him kn the face. He fell off the roof screaming and Sam caught him throwing him back up. Before he could stand I straddled him holding him down with Kunai in my hand.

"Ok now are you ready to answer my questions?" I grinned holding the blade by his throat causing him to tremble in fear.

"Zola's algorithm is a program! For choosing insight targets." He shouted out.

"Much better. Kage Bushin no Justu!" A clone appeared beside me and I got up switching places.

"I didn't know he could make clones?! Who is this kid??" Sams eyes widen in disbelief. Steve ignored him asking more questions.

"What targets?"

"You and that Monster you call a Kid! The tv anchor in Cairo, the Under secretary of Defense, a high school valedictorian in Iowa city, Bruce Banner, Stephen Strange, anything that proves to be a threat to HYDRA! Now or in the future." He yelled. My clone pressed his knee in the mans back when hearing the word monster causing the man to grunt in pain.

"Future how could it know?" I narrowed my eyes. The man just started laughing ominously and it was giving me red flags.

"How could it not?! The 21st century is a DIGITAL book. Zola taught Hydra how to read it." The man stated trying to get off the ground. I motioned to my clone to let him stand and he nodded his head getting off.

"Your bank records medical, histories, voting patterns, emails, phone calls, your fucking SAT scores! Zola's algorithm evaluates people's past to predict their future."

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