"That's the problem!" Cal said exasperatedly. He stepped back and folded his arms. "Halloween is my favorite holiday! It's huge at my house. I was thinking we all dress up and take Cora and Celeste trick or treating. Don't worry, we'll go to a party after. I'm sure Eisley's parents want her to take Pip trick or treating too."

"I guess." Fay gave in, then added, "But what do I dress up as?"

"I don't know, we'll have to see what Eisley comes up with." Cal said simply, looking even more excited than he had before. "I've been helping all of my siblings with their costumes, I haven't really had the chance to come up with my own."

"Sounds real festive." Fay said sarcastically.

"I'm going to shove festive up your ass if you keep that up." Cal told him, the both of them starting to head down the hall to their first class of the day.

"Did you forget who you're talking to?" Fay winked. "I don't think that's too much of a threat."

"Shut up." Cal rolled his eyes, laughing at Fay's antics.

"What? You're not going to go through with it?" Fay pouted, messing with Cal.

"Oh my God."

"I can bend over right now if you want?"

"Please stop talking."

Outside of school and a few minutes walk away in a house painted a pale blue, was a sleeping Eden. Unlike Fay, he wasn't in a good mood. His alarm clock had been snoozed five times now as he pretended that it wasn't time for school. Hence how he had fallen back asleep. Even though school was the best distraction from his own problems, it didn't mean that he wanted to get out of bed every morning.

It wasn't easy for Eden to fall asleep, so on the occasions where he did it was impossible to drag himself out of bed again. He would have stayed like that forever, in a half-dream state where there weren't any nightmares to keep him awake, and no real world to stress him out. Just the silence and comfort of nothingness.

It stayed like that until the sound of a door being thrown open caused him to jolt back to reality. Instead of looking to see what was going on, he turned over in bed and brought the covers over his head. He was determined to not get up.

"Eden! Get up for heaven's sake!" Destiny sighed, walking over to the window and opening the curtains. Even though he was under the covers, he still hissed at the light. "You're late to school! Why didn't you get up?"

Eden brought his knees to his chest, laying silently beneath the covers instead of responding. He was tired, which wasn't shocking. It was something that he had become accustomed to, but that didn't mean that it was easy. Sometimes he wished that he could just sleep until the end of time. Maybe then he wouldn't be so damn tired.

"Eden." Destiny repeated. Eden felt the bed sink as she sat down on the edge. "Are you feeling well?"

"I'm fine." His voice was groggy from sleep, but he didn't make any move to get up.

"Then come on." She ushered him, lightly shaking his shoulder. "You're already late."

"Okay." He snapped, throwing the covers off of himself. Sitting up, he rubbed the sleep from his eyes. "I'm up."

He hated the way Destiny looked at him, taking in his disheveled appearance. Her eyes softened, seeing the bags beneath his eyes and the tangles in his hair. She knew that he hadn't combed it in weeks. She knew that he was hardly sleeping. But she never said anything. That was what bothered Eden the most.

Why would she see all of it, but not try to help him? It didn't make sense. He didn't understand why she never brought it up. "Do you want to stay home today?"

"No." He stated simply, moving around her and leaving the room. Their whole dynamic was hard for him. She wasn't his mom. He never had a mom. This wasn't something that he was used to. Hell, he hardly even knew her and she hardly knew him. Eden never understood why she decided to take him in.

Staying home would only lead to memories. That was what it always came back to. Everything that Eden spent so long trying to forget was always there, barely avoidable. Laying in bed alone all day would just cause for them to return. It was an endless cycle that was slowly breaking Eden down.

The bathroom mirror was one of Eden's least favorite things. It forced him to see the state that he was in. After using the bathroom, he left without once looking up. If he didn't look into the mirror, then he wouldn't have to see the state that he was in.

When he reentered his room, Destiny was gone. He didn't bother wondering where she went, instead heading straight for his dresser and pulling out some clothes. He put on a long sleeve red shirt, tucking it into black jeans. As always, the look was completed with his signature beanie.

By the time Eden was downstairs, he was well past the point of being tardy. Not that he gave a shit. School and him didn't really get along. With all of the assignments that he hadn't turned in and all of the times he had talked back to the teachers, it wasn't like he was trying to impress anyone. All he needed was something to keep him from collapsing in on himself.

"You ready?" Destiny asked, standing up from the chair that she was sat in. Her blonde hair was pulled back into a ponytail. Eden hadn't been expecting for her to still be there. She had work to get to.

"Why are you still here?" He asked, walking past her and pulling on a pair of leather shoes. Why was she acting like she cared?

"I'm going to take you to school." She told him, heading for the door. He followed her skeptically, unsure about whether he could trust her or not.

That was always the problem. How could Eden trust Destiny when he came from the home that he did? He never had a mom, and his dad was a whole other story. Trying to trust someone like Destiny was impossible. He couldn't decipher if she was doing things because she was trying to help, or if she wanted something in return. Eden didn't think that it was the former. He had never known someone who was the former.

They sat silently the whole car ride, and Eden was just grateful that she didn't force him to speak the entire way there. Something about today was just leaving him in a more sour mood than normal. Thinking back to the comforts of his bed, he sighed internally.

"Eden?" Destiny asked right as she pulled into a parking space.

A part of him just wanted to make a run for it. But instead of doing that, he decided to let her speak. "What?"

"Halloween is coming up." She began, earning a furrowed brow from him. "I know you're getting a bit old for the holiday, but would you like to hand out candy with me?"

Eden stared at her, trying to figure out whether she was serious or not. Why would he want to do that? All she did was piss him off. Destiny deliberately chose to do things that she knew he didn't like. Eden didn't get it. He didn't understand why she did things the way that she did. However, how was he meant to reply to that question? "No."

"Just give it some thought, Eden." Destiny sighed, watching as he left the car.

As she drove the rest of the way to work, showing up late, she thought about Eden. He was a seriously damaged kid, having seen way too much at a far too young age. Trying to peel back the layers that he had wrapped around himself like a second skin was impossible. He refused to let them budge. Just like he didn't understand her, she didn't understand him.

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