Chapter 13: Winter Soldier Arc|| The Battle on the Bridge

Start from the beginning

"What then?" Steve asked.

"Shit Pierce is going to kill me.." The man muttered to himself but my ears could pick it up.

"If you don't hurry up and answer dammit I'll kill you right now!" My clone shouted in exasperation holding the man by his collar.

"Then SHIELDS hellicarrier will scratch people off the list." The man answered and my my eyes widened.

"A few million at a time." My stomach turned when I heard this. So Sasuke really is in Danger slightly. I need to end this now or a bunch of innocent people will die.

These guys are more catastrophic than the fucking Aktsuki and it's because of Technology.

We grabbed the man and started driving. Him being in between Nat and I.

"Hydra doesn't like leaks." The man stated matter of factly.

"And if you don't shut up then I'll make you leak out blood." I growled shutting him up.

"Insights launching in 16 hours were cutting it a bit to close here." Natasha announced.

"I know we'll use him to bypass the DNA scans and access the helicarriers directly." Steve planned.

"What? Are you crazy? That is a terrible, TERRIBLE! Idea." The man shouted. Causing me to wince I glared at him and he shut up. The window next to me broke and the metal arm pulled the door off with ease. The man shrieked and the arm grabbed me out the car and lifted me up. I stared face to face with the Sam woman from the night Fury died.

"You're that bastard!" I hissed. He ignored me and threw me off the bridge. I heard Steve shout out my name and I saw the man laid beside me but with a hole between his eyes. I stood back up wincing when I added weight on my foot. My ankle throbbed in pain.

"How many times am I gonna have to heal you brat!" The old demon complained.

"Sorry Kuruma he caught me off guard!" I apologized aloud. I was pulled out of my thoughts when I heard a loud boom and saw Steve flying into a bus.

"Steve Jii San!" I shouted worryingly. I put my hands together forming a seal.

"KAGE BUSHIN NO JUSTU!" I shouted and 10 clones appeared next to me.

"What's up boss!" They all chirped.

"Two of you help Steve, Five of you evacuate the area and the last three stay here and fight." I ordered.

"On it!" All of them ran into action and three followed me towards the bridge. I climbed on a light pole and jumped on the bridge silently behind the shooters.

"Uzumaki barrage!" My clones shouted knocking out most of the shooters. The man with the metal arm turned to me and aimed his weapon towards me. I dodged the projectile as it exploded at the spot I was once originally standing. My clones dispersed from the force of the blast and the man ran towards me full speed I body flickered behind him and jumped in the air throwing a chakra coated punch he turned around and caught my fist in time and I used my other leg and kicked the side of his head so he would let go.

He fell to the ground and got back up.

"Oh this is going to be a pain in the ass." I smirked.

We both charged at each other and I took out a kunai ready to stab him in his chest. He kicked the kunai out of my hand and threw me off the bridge. The other shooters including him aimed their guns towards me pulling the trigger. I used substitution Justu and switched places with a vending machine nearby.

"Shit that was close! I might have to get serious." I sweat dropped. They started shooting at me and I quickly hid behind the bus. Nat was also next to me. How? I wouldn't know. She Aimed her gun shooting at the metal arm who I'm now gonna call Metal Bastard.

Metal bastard aimed his gun and an assault of bullets rained down on us. And thank fuck for this bus or we would've been Swiss cheese.

"Naruto come on!" Widow shouted over the bullets. We both sprinted away from the shooters trying to get to where we have the advantage.

I saw the Metal Bastard jump down and I knew at this pace he would catch up. God I wish I had access to most of my powers Hiraishin would be so helpful right now. I grabbed Widow and picked her up princess style coating my legs with chakra to run faster. We quickly hid behind a car and Nat places her phone away from us with a recording so it can distract him.

He caught up with us and heard the recording throwing a bomb in that area. The car exploded and Nat and I jumped from behind the car engaging in combat. She took out a wire and held it around his throat while sitting on his shoulders and try to choke him out. I kicked his gun away and punched him in the face. Nat was thrown off and punched in the face which knocked her out. He grabbed the gun and was about to shoot her in the head but I pushed him away making him aim for her shoulder instead. He glared at me and threw in a punch that I caught. He looked at me with slightly wide eyes and I smirked kicking him between his legs. I winced when I realized he was wearing metal armor In that area. He threw me to the side and I quickly got up summoning another clone.

"You Metal armed Cyborg Bastard you killed Fury didn't you! I'll make you pay for hurting my friends!" I sneered and ran with a Rasengan in my hand. I shoved it on his stomach blasting him away. Before he could get up I grabbed him by his neck and threw him to the side in anger.

"KIT! Calm down you're going to kill him!"

"SHUT UP! don't tell me what to do!" I shouted aloud while walking towards the assassin. He shot Natasha, Killed Fury, Hurt Steve and Sam.

"I'm going to kill you! YOU BASTARD!" My voice deepened and my eyes turned crimson. My nails sharpened and I went in for the kill but then I hesitated. There was something about his eyes that were just wrong. He took that moment of hesitance and grabbed me by the neck throwing me down onto the ground knocking the air out of me. His grip around my throat tightened and I was about to push him off when I heard someone shout my name.

My throat was real eased letting me breathe in air. Oh how I missed oxygen! He punched Steve's shield and kicked Steve away. He grabbed the gun that was near Nat and started shooting towards Steve. I was still trying to catch my breath and struggled pulling myself up. Steve and Metal Bastard started fighting and I limped towards Natasha. I took off my shirt ripping the orange fabric so I can wrap it around Nats Shoulder. I only had a fishnet top underneath so it was a little chilly for me.

"Bucky?" Steve gasped. I turned to Metal Bastard assuming he was referring to him.

"Who the hell is Bucky?" He tilted his head. If we ignore the fact that he's trying to kill all of us he has a very calming voice.

He aimed a gun at Steve and threw a kunai with a paper bomb at the assassin and it exploded. Natasha was up again to and she looked like she was about to fire that thing. Guess I beat her to the punch. I ran towards Steve seeing if he's ok. He was actually better off than Natasha and I.

"Where's Sam?" I asked to no one in particular.

"To your left I just caught up with you guys. You ok Kid?" He asked noticing my roughed up look.

"Yeah I'm fine just a little cold and I think I twisted my ankle." I shrugged.

"Here kid." Steve threw his jacket to me and I caught it throwing it on. It was pretty big for at this age I was still small for my age.

"Arigato." I bowed my head a bit in thanks with a small smile.

Unfortunately our little moment of peace was short lived because we were surrounded by a bunch of black cars with sirens.


"Shit." Sam cursed.

Steve threw his shield down and put his hands on his head. I was a bit confused and didn't understand who was going on.

"Naruto follow our lead and just put your hands on your head." Steve instructed. I hesitantly complied exchanging nervous glances at the adults around me.

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