Chapter 6

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"So you're just going to leave me?"

She was already gone. America was all alone, he checked his watch and he was behind by a lot for class.

He wanted to escape. But how? There was a so called murderer and they had not evidence.

"Hello?" His voice echoed in the hall.

"H-hi.." A smaller figure came out of that hall. It had a flag, America tried to identify but the colors could easily be mistaken as another.

"Hello!" America said walking up to the person.

"Oh! You're just like me!" The country said. It was a white country, they had wide circled glasses

Golden brown eyes, and short black hair.
A bright yellow crop top with a black long-sleeved shirt under.

"Wait are you..—" America started, then was cut off.



She ran to America, giving him a hug.

"I-I looked everywhere for you I-I..." She stammered.

"I am sorry I didn't reach out Byeol." America said, as he patted her head.

"It's fine, I've made more friends!" She said excitedly pulling away from America.

"There's J-San, Philip, Nido—"

"So you made friends with the islands?"

She started to talk trying to find the words, the saying "shhhh—-sure."

"Is there something you're not telling me S-Pop?"

"What is there? You left. I fought. We did what we had to." She said looking at the old portraits.

"Sorry." America muttered under his breath.
He pulled over his hood.

"Eh. It's not that big a deal, everyone has to move on."

"Welp, anyways. Might as well skip school if it's  10:15." He said pulling out his phone.

"Woah. It's that late?"

"Middle of the day, but yeah." He put away his phone and looked around once more.

"See ya later- I need Starbucks." South Korea said, as she walked off.


America walked into his dorm, Jesse wasn't there sadly. It was noon and he knew his other professor  would call him asking where he's been all day.

He payed on the couch watching "The Office" on Netflix.

Didn't have much to do.

His phone than rang.

"Hello?" America answered

"Are you— you're that dispatcher dude."

"Well fuck my life."

America spat out his water he drank. He couldn't believe what he was hearing.

"No. This is Patrick-" America said in a panic as water was dripping from his mouth.

Sounded like Russia facepalmed himself. Hard.

"America I know that's you."

"How'd you get my secret name?" America didn't know who the frick this was, or how they got their name or wait a minute—

"Just. It's Viktor. My sisters boyfriend had your number—"

"Wait your Ukraine's brother?" America was confused, he knew who this was. But why did he call him?

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