Chapter 4

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" go to Princeton...?" Asked Liam,

"Um, there a problem.?" Russia said, scratching his ushanka.

Oh fuck yeah there is a problem! You're going to my school? Totally not a problem, Liam thought.

"Nahhh, I just." Then he muttered, "we just go to the same school but that's no big deal.."

"Do what?" Russia asked, helping him down the stairs.

"Uh..nothing!" America said in a panic.

"What my question is, why the hell can't you climb up and downstairs?" Asked Viktor.

God gave America horrible talent at walking up and downstairs for some weird reason.

Once they got downstairs once again, Viktor asked for Liam's number.

"No! Bro, if you want my number that bad just look me up on Snapchat-" America said.

"You're forgetting I know your name, not the other name name." Russia snapped back.

"It's- None ya business boy. See ya in school or something." America said walking out the door.

"Fine! I'll find out your name one way or another!" He yelled out as America walked out the door.

"Sir, did you find anyone?" Asked one of the officers.

"Uh..." America paused, thinking about that Russian boy and what he just said. "No actually, False alarm."

One of the officers was mad, the rest went back into the vehicles.


America went back to work, he worked on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Saturdays.

United Nations understood his circumstances, so it's kinda let getting a day off from school.

Today was Monday, until 8:10 he could leave work.

And boy today he wanted to leave.

After today's fiasco, all he could think about was Viktor.

"Sir?" Philippines said disrupting America's Daydream.

"Gah!" America jumped up. "You scared me-" He pulled down his headset and swiveled his chair to face Philip.

"Sorry about that, but uh. You can't leave until 9:30 today-" Philippines said as he put all the stacks of paper

Like it was 4,000 pages.

"What's all this?!" America complicated,

"Sir, you've been putting off this work all month. This comes to show—" America cut him off.

"Yeah yeah, bites me in the ass I know." America sighed. He pulled the paper towards him.

"Thanks Philip." He said pulling back up his headset.

"No problem Liam!" Philip said as he went back to his desk.

"Ok let's see what we have—" Then his phone rang.

He pulled down his headset. Only to hear who he somewhat wanted to hear.


America fake coughed.

"Liam..?" The person said concerned.

"Sean, why the hell are you calling me at work?!" America complained.

"Woah Woah Woah! Slow your roll, James." Sean always said his middle name to get on his nerves.

America yelled. His whole office got quiet.

"He's in a bad mood! Carry on!" Philip said sorting out more paperwork.

America sighed.
"Nada...just leave me alone. I am not having a good day." America muttered, making a fist, then letting it go.


"Seriously no damn buts today Sean. Just." He sighed. "Leave me alone."

"Fine..just shoot me a text when you're coming home ok.?" Sean said, not responding. America hung up the phone.


Once it was finally time to leave. Liam completely forgot about his homework from Friday.

He called up an Uber and went back to his dorm.

"Hey, Liam— Woah. You ok bud?" Jesse asked concerned.

"Yeah. Hey isn't it—" Liam got cut off.

"My birthday in a few days? Hell yeah." Jesse said crossing his eyes looking down.

Liam looked at him, dark ginger hair. Bright blue eyes. He had pink and blue highlights. So show a sign to his pride.

"Liam. I can't believe you forgot. You only forgot things when—" Jesse paused "So who's the lucky guy~" he said with a huge smirk on his face.

America blushed slightly. With Jesse cocking one eyebrow up.

"None of your business Jesse."

"It will be once you bring him in." He pointed out as America grabbed a glass of water.

"Your just jealous I found someone before you Jess."

"Am not!" He said, playfully punching America.

"Are too! But fine I'll tell you. One one condition." Liam said.

"Aight, what is this 'condition' it sounds eerie man."

"You let me have all your cake on Wednesday"

"NO! Cake is mine—" Jesse said throwing a fit.

"Alright, just don't complain when you don't have rainbow layers."

"Ugh fine."

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