Chapter 23

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Laurens POV
I wake up and i got a text from Joel,
Joel: hey, do you want to meet at blossom park
Lauren: sure, what time
Joel: are you good with 11:00
Lauren: yea that's fine with me
Skip to 11:00
I arrive at blossom park and i see Joel sat on a park bench
Lauren: hi Joel
Joel: hey Lauren,
He pats the space next to him signalling me to sit next to him, i sat down and we have a conversation
Joel: i have had bad memories here
Lauren: what
Joel: umm don't worry about it
Lauren: Joel what is it
Joel: well, this is where me and Lizzie had our first date
Lauren: how is that a bad memory,
Joel: let me finish, we had a second date as well, but then after that i got a note and it said that it was from Lizzie, it said that she was only using me because she wanted to say a boy had a crush on her. At first i believed it, but then i got shouted at by Yammy and then i knew it wasn't from her,
Lauren: do you know who wrote it
Joel: no i don't, but then after all of that me and Laura got back together, and on a date we sat together on this bench. I saw Lizzie behind us and then Laura left, i spoke to Lizzie and then my mom was in her car looking at us, she thought Lizzie was Laura. So i made the big mistake of telling her to kiss me
Lauren: what do you mean by a mistake, you got to kiss her
Joel: no i didn't, she got mad at me and shouted at me, then she stormed of. Because my mom thinking that Lizzie was Laura, she told me to break up with Laura because of that dramatic scene, so that relationship didn't last that long
Lauren: i'm so sorry
We kept on talking until both of us were hungry, so because it was lunchtime we walked to a nearby KFC, i love KFC its so good, i know its unhealthy but its still great. When we arrived Joel didnt look so great
Lauren: Joel are you ok
Joel: yes i'm fine, its just... Lizzie loves KFC
Lauren: you need to get Lizzie out of your head, you need to move on
Joel: i guess your right
I then look up and see someone come through the door....
Lizzie's POV
I called Oli and told him to meet at my house, i wanted to spend sometime with him after what happened at school, when he arrived we sat on the sofa and watched lilo and stitch. When the film was over i suggested we go out for some food
Lizzie: hey Oli, wanna get some food
Oli: sure, i'm hungry
Lizzie: do you wanna go to KFC
Oli: oh heck yeah
So we turn the TV off and grab our jackets, get in the car and drive to KFC
Time skip to KFC
We arrive at the restaurant and walk in
Lizzie: this is a lot bigger than i remember
Oli: yeah, i don't remember the last time i came here
Lizzie: well lets go order food
Me and Oli walk up to the cash registers and order our food, Oli offered to pay so i let him to avoid arguments in the middle of KFC. We finished ordering our food and then waited, while just standing there awkwardly waiting, i look around the restaurant and i see Lauren and Joel sat together, oh god if Lauren sees Oli with me shes gonna go ballistic. i'm still looking at them when my train of thought was stopped by a worker calling our number, we grab our food and i direct Oli to a table on the other side of the restaurant.
Laurens POV
I see Oli and Lizzie go to the other side of the restaurant, why though there is loads of tables around where we are, did they see us. All of these thoughts in my head was spinning around until Joel snapped me back into reality,
Joel: Lauren, are you ok?
Lauren: oh uh umm.. Yep, just daydreaming
Joel: ok, so what do you want to do after we finished eating
Lauren: I don't know
Joel: what's one of your favourite activity
Lauren: doing Troom Troom life hacks
(have you seen there videos, pretty sick)
Joel: oh Ummmm, we could do that if you want
Lauren: oh we don't have to, how about bowling
Joel: sure, that sounds fun

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